[Chidananda] Divya Jivan Newsletter , July 2014

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Tue Jul 1 00:27:14 EDT 2014

Divya Jivan Newsletter
Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad
July 2014
OM Namo Bhagawate Sivanandaya!
OM Namo Bhagawate Chidanandaya!
OM Namo Narayanaya!
"Guru Mahima"  on the Occasion of Auspicious Guru Purnima ( July 12, 2014)

"The Sadguru is Brahman Himself. He is an ocean of bliss, knowledge, and 
mercy. He is the captain of your soul. He is the fountain of joy. He 
removes all your troubles, sorrows, and obstacles. He shows you the 
right divine path."
  "Guru is God. A word from him is a word from God. He need not-teach 
anything. Even his presence or company is elevating, inspiring, and 
stirring, His very company is self-illumination. Living in his company 
is spiritual education."
  "Guru is the Moksha-dvara (door to liberation). He is the gateway to 
the transcendental Truth-Consciousness. But, it is the aspirant who has 
to enter through it. The, Guru is a help, but the actual task of 
practical Sadhana (spiritual practice) falls on the aspirant himself."- 
Swami Sivananda << More>>
  Sivananda Ashtotra Shata Namavali 

Early Morning Meditation Talk from "Ponder These Truths" of Swami 

"The GURU is HIS teaching "
" By the light of the sun, the whole world awakens.  By the light of the 
sun, darkness is banished, slumber gives place to wakefulness and sloth 
gives place to activity.  By the light of the sun, all beings in this 
world see things, perceive things clearly....

Thus the sun is the awakener; the sun is the enlightener; the sun is the 
marga darsaka (one who shows the path).  It is the sun that guarantees 
smooth, unhampered progress towards each one's destination. When the sun 
is not there, one is, as it were, blind, even though having eyes.  In 
the life of a sincere seeking soul, in the life of jijnasu, a mumukshu, 
a sadhaka, a spiritual aspirant, the Guru is as it were, the Sun".

"Just as the Guru is channel for the individual soul to re-link itself 
with the universal Soul, even so, a channel between our Guru and 
ourselves is called Guru- bhakti. True Guru-bhakti is divine power,  it 
is divine force."

"The more adverse the circumstances, the greater the manifestation of 
grace; the greater the manifestation of Guru kripa. God's grace and Guru 
Kripa are the obverse and reverse of the same coin. "  "Guru Kripa is 
God's grace manifesting in and through the Guru."

"It is the Guru that points out the path and makes us see the path 
clearly. He points out the pitfalls and dangers upon the path, makes us 
alert, vigilant jagrit. And, even as the sun initiates activity, so the 
Guru inspires us to arise awake, seek knowledge, attain illumination and 
become forever blessed. All this and more the Guru does."

  "What is the sun if not its light? The sun is no sun if there is no 
light. The sun is the sun because it radiates perennial light, an 
inexhaustible, unbroken supply of light even so,   the Guru is His jnana 
upadesa." - Swami Chidananda

"Glory to Guru"  by Swami Adhyatmananda

"Gurupurnima is the day for worshipping the GURU. The Guru is a Master, 
but He never makes His disciple a slave. Entire mission of Guru is to 
turn His disciple into none else but great Guru only. The Guru says 
"AHAM BRAHMASMI", I'm Brahman. But never the less "TAT TWAM ASI" you are 
that only. This purnima is a full moon day. When there is no hindrance 
between sun and moon, this moon shines in its full bloom likewise when 
disciple totally surrenders to His Guru, he too shines with Brahma 
Vidya. Brahma Vidya is knowledge of Absolute. Brahma Vidya is the 
highest knowledge after knowing that nothing remains to be known. It is 
the grace of Guru upon his beloved disciple that after having received 
Brahma Vidya, disciple has not to strive for any more gain. He becomes 
full; he becomes contented, he rejoices supreme BLISS. He dives deep in 
the eternity and divinity."

A Guru is necessary. Never finds fault in Guru, any action by Guru will 
have a purpose in that; there is a meaning in that. Accept His command, 
follow His instruction, just be humble, feel his hardship and serve Him 
whole heartedly."- Swami Adhyatmananda << More> > 

On Health Topics  from  a book "Yoga and  Health" by Swami Adhyatmananda

By regular exercise of Yogasana and Pranayama the constriction of the 
bronchial tubes gets very much reduced. Slowly the capacity of bronchial 
tubes increases to a great extent and one can control the attack of 
asthma to a great extent.
  YOGASANAS  Suryanamaskara, Matsyasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, 
Ushtrasana, Shavasana PRANAYAMA: Ujjai, Kapalbhatti, Bhastrika, << More>>
Satsang with H.H. Swami Adhyatmanandaji (through audio clip 

Highlighting  Upcoming events

News & Activity Report for the Month of June 2014
Divya Jivan <http://divyajivan.org/divya_jivan/index.htm>/June 2014 

Know that by long prostration, by question and by service, the wise who 
have realised the Truth will instruct thee in (that) knowledge.(4:34)

Knowing that, thou shalt not, O Arjuna, again become deluded like this; 
and by that thou shalt see all beings in thy Self and also in Me!(4:35)

Humility, unpretentiousness, non-injury, forgiveness, uprightness, 
service of the teacher, purity, steadfastness, self-control(13:7)

Guru Darshan <http://divyajivan.org/video_clips/index.htm> ( Video Clip)

Sivananda Ashtotra Shata Namavali 
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