Centenary Celebration of "Revered Bapuji" Dr. Sivananda Adhwaryooji
at Sivananda Ashram , Ahmedabad

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Gujarat Divya Jivan Sangh celebrates Swami Yagnyavalkyanandaji Maharaj’s Centenary Year (Nov 18, 2006)

“I do not visit any institution the second time but with all reverence and due honor for Rev. Sri Swami Adhyatmanandaji; I am here at Holy Sivananda Ashram for the fifth time. Sri Swamiji’s humanitarian services, his divine touch in all his actions and this divine institute of a Great Master Sri Swami Sivananda have impressed me immensely.”

These warm feelings were being expressed by H. E Pundit Naval Kishor Sharmaji, Governor of Gujarat at a function organized in the honor of “Revered Bapuji”,  H. H. Sri Swami Yagnyavalkyanandaji Maharaj’s Centenary Year celebration on November 18, 2006  at Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad.

On Nov 18, 2006 was a special evening (8.15 pm - 9.10pm) at the ashram. Gujarat Divya Jivan Sangh arranged “Rev. Bapuji”, Dr. Swami Yagnavalkyananda Saraswati’s birth centenary year celebration. H. E Governor of Gujarat Pundit Naval Kishor Sharmaji's presence brought a special fervor to the occasion. The evening started with a devotional singing by Pundit Shree Niraj Chandra Parikh. Number of eye surgeons and specialists were honored on this occasion. Among them was Dr. C.L. Verma, C.M.O.  Sivananda hospital, Virnagar, Dr. R.R. Doshi (91 years age) Chikhodara - Anand, Dr. Bharat Ghodadara C.M.O department Opthalmology Civil Hospital (Ahmedabad), Dr. Abhay Vasavada (Ahmedabad), Dr. Piyush Matalia and Dr. Bharat Bakshi Jamnagar, Dr. Ashok Shroff (Navasari) by H. E. Governor of Gujarat for their meritorious services to the poor, needy and downtrodden.

Devotees at satabdi Mahotsava

Pujya "Bapuji" Satabdi Mahotsav celebration

Release of fourth edition book "Maan"
by H. E Governor of Gujarat

Dr. C. L. Verma, C.M.O Sivananda hospital, Virnagar gave a heart touching speech in praise of  “Beloved Bapuji”, Brahmlin Sri Swami Yagnyavalkyanandaji that Dr. Adhwaryooji was God’s special creation. He was a miracle by himself. He was a perfect eye surgeon as well as a general gynecologist. He kept on operating all types of eye operations and general surgical work as well as gynecological work up until the very last days of his sojourn on the earth. He was a wonderful soul, ecologist, philanthropist, and a devotee of the Lord to the core of his heart. He was a loyal and dedicated disciple of his divine Master Gurudev H. H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. He started schools and hostels for boys and girls, free kitchen for patients and their relatives, prayer halls and what not.

Dr. Abhay Vasavada, Ahmedabad



Sri Rajendrabhai Bhatt, convener of Pujya Bapuji

Dr. Uday Gajiwala, Sewa Rural, Jhagadia, Bharuch

Dr. C. L. Verma, Sivananda Hospital,

Dr. Ashok Baxi, Jamnagar

Dr. Bharat Ghodadara, Director Opthalmic Department, Civil Hospital( Ahmedabad)

 Sri Rajendrabahi Bhatt, a trustee of Sivananda Mission, Virnagar and convener of Dr. Sivananda Adhwaryoo birth centenary celebration briefed the activities planned as a part of the celebration.

Free Eye Check up

As a part of Centenary Celebration free eye check up with essential eye care to underprivileged, tribal and school children on mega-scale has been planned, as the selfless services were very dear to "Pujya  Bapuji", which was the Missionl of His Life. From December 2006 to February 2007, a team of ophthalmologists with paramedical staff  will be going to Municipal schools of the city and provide eye checkup which include a eye related tests and surgical  treatment as necessary.  The project has already been started and about 15000 children are estimated to get benefited.

Also many other activities, including distribution of spiritual literatures have been planned.   

Distribution and Release of Spiritual literature

Sri Arun Oza, trustee and vice president of Sivananda Ashram, welcomed H. E. Governor and mammoth gathering on this occasion. Sri Swami Adhyatmanandaji elaborately brought the spotlight upon the life and divine mission of Sri Swami Yagnyavakanandaji Maharaj. Sri Arvind Mehta, treasurer of Gujarat Divya Jivan Sangh gave vote of thanks.  All trustees of Gujarat Divya Jivan Sangh and many leading medical practitioners from Ahmedabad and near by cities attended the function.

The program concluded with prayer for the peace.


 Centenary Celebration of "Revered Bapuji" (Dr. Sivananda Adhwaryooji) – October 8, 2006  

On October 8 , Centenary celebrations of Revered Bapuji, Dr. Sivananda Adhwaryooji was observed at Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad in august presence of many dignitaries & saints including Mahamndleswar Sri Swami Satyamitranandaji Maharaj (the founder of Samnvay trust and Bharatmata Mandir, Haridwar, Sri Rajesh Dave, trustee and convener of Rev. Bapuji, Dr. Sivananda Adhwaryooji's centenary celebration and the president of Sivananda Mission, Virnagar and professor Bakul Dave to name a few. Life of "Revered Bapuji" was a shining example of Karma Yoga and he was an inspiration to countless people, who came in contact with Him.  

Dr. Bhanushankar Adhvaryoo, lovingly called "Bapuji" and also known as Sivananda Adhvaryoo as the name given by Sri Gurudev Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj and in later years of his life known as Swami Yagnavalkyananda after receiving Sannyasa from Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaja, was the founder of the first Divine Life Society branch in Gujarat in 1956. He was also the first editor and publisher of the "Divya Jivan" magazine.  He was one of the foremost disciples of Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj and ever-enthusiastic propagator of His message. Having met Gurudev in 1952 for the first time, he adopted the ideals of service to humanity. "Service to the mankind is the service to the God" has become his life slogan. He was an ophthalmologist who worked ceaselessly to alleviate the plights of the blind, the poor and the downtrodden. After taking early retirement from his government service in 1956, he spent remaining forty two years of his life serving selflessly while spreading Gurudev's message. In his career, he had about 4 lakhs cataract surgery to his record and treated countless other illness. He lived up to the age of 94 years. 

Revered Bapuji had multifaceted personality like a genuine diamond. He was a dedicated disciple, a skillful and competent administrator and a spiritual giant who had attained the ultimate enlightenment. As an administrator, he was truly speaking "Bapuji", behaving fatherly to all his employees, helping them and solving their problems and for the people around him; he was extremely compassionate and kind. Institute was like a family to him. As a Yogi, he was a perfect blended personality of Bhakti, Jnana and Karma Yoga. He chose "Virnagar" as his Karma-Bhumi, where he established hospitals, schools, library, hostels, and various other service oriented organizations such as "Sivananda Mission" and "Sivananda Parivar".

A new release of "Srimad Bhagwad Gita (Gujarati translation) of Sri Gurudev Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj
by Mahamandleshwar H. H. Sri Swami Satyamitranamdaji Maharaj  

Free Eye Check up

As a part of Centenary celebration free eye check up and essential medical care including eye surgery on mega scale has been planned for underprivileged children, the selfless activity which was so dear to Pujya  Bapuji. A team of ophthalmologists with paramedical staff (Selfless volunteers) will be going to Municipal school of the city and provide eye check which include a eye related tests and surgical  treatment as necessary will be taken care of up from December 2006 to February 2007. The project has already been started and about 15000 children are estimated to get benefited   

Distribution and Release of Spiritual literature

Regular Activities and Services at the Holy Sivananda Ashram

Latest Additions.........

Sivananda Yoga (Yoga DVD)

Diwali Prasad booklet - "Kanakdhara Stotram" ( Sanskrit/ Gujarati/ English)

Divya Jivan (Gujarati)/ Aug-Sept 2018 /  August -September 2017 (Special Issue)

Atam Mahek (Gujarati) / Fragrance ( English) - Swami Adhyatmananda

Vishnusahsranama - with meaning

Yoga, A Way of Life - Sri Swami Adhyatmananda


"Yoga and Health" - a complete book with Question & Answer section by Sri Swami Adhyatmananda  


 Books on Yoga by  Swami Adhyatmananda


"Amrut Putra" (Gujarati)



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