Divya Jivan Newsletter
Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad September 2015 ====================================
OM Namo Bhagawate Sivanandaya!
OM Namo Bhagawate Chidanandaya! OM Namo Narayanaya! ================================================================== Glories of Lord Sri Krishna, Divine Incarnation- On auspicious Janmashtami ( Sept 5, 2015)
Kodanda Rama Thereafter Sri Kodanda Rama was to occupy a central place in
the children's life in the house. The idol was installed by the
side of the family deity and offered ceremonial worship on all
important occasions. Sridhara was now found to be very
meticulous in observing spiritual discipline and rituals of
worship. Daily he used to sit down at the feet of Sri Kodanda
Rama, in the company of his aunts, brother and sisters and offer
his The image is still being worshipped at the residence of Srimati Malati Bai Govind Rao at Jagir House, 213, Raja Street, Coimbatore. Malati Bai Mataji is herself convinced that the idol has an undoubted potency and mitigates the misfortunes of her family whenever they seek His protection. "How Rama came into his life is an instructive lesson to every seeker. To him in his childhood He came as the idol Kodanda Rama, whom he worshiped and in whom he had his whole being. At a later stage, He came to him in the shape of the unfortunate lepers. Then a time came when the Lord appeared before him in the form of the inspired words of Ramdas. Next, the life of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa rose before him as a beckoning ideal. Saints and mystics blessed him. At last, the Lord gave him Darshan in the form of his Sadguru. Sivananda entered into his very being. He was filled with devotion to Guru. Sivananda dwelt in him and he dwelt in Sivananda " The story of Swami Chidananda has been a story of total divinisation of the human personality. It is a story of silent service and complete self-effacement. On the basis of the profound authority of his personal experience and direct realisation, therefore, this peerless saint of the Himalayas could proclaim to the world of seekers: "Yoga is not only in Nirvikalpa Samadhi. It is in every moment. .............."The Holy Stream - Biography of Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj by Sarat Chandra Behera Birth Centenary Celebration of Guru Bhagawan Sri Swami
Chidanandaji Maharaj at Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad. In the beginning the primary prerequisite to peace of mind is
posture. Yogasana practiced to gain steady posture, health and
lightness in the body. All Yoga postures are intended to
directly or indirectly quiet the mind. The majority of Asana
have been devised to build up different parts of the body and to
develop the strength required by the more advanced Physical
disciplines. The purpose of the yogasana is to recondition the
system, both mind and body, and to develop the nervous and
glandular systems. The different Yoga postures have been devised
to bring a rich supply of blood to the brain and to the various
parts of the spinal column. The yogasana work by stretching,
bending and twisting the spinal column in different directions
to promote the health of the nerves. When the body is purified,
Prana (vital energy) can be conserved and the individual becomes
healthy and conscious.
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A few more sentiments of gratitude to add on ..... "On July 3rd, Swami-ji visited Kula Kamala Ashram. His Holiness conducted a Divine Yagna to bless this new space and then He spoke with a group of students about the meaning of mindfulness in Yoga. The Blessed event started with a wonderful kirtan led by David Dragonfly. All the beautiful voices raised up to the heaven as this community chanted the Divine Name. So happy to spend time in His company, the evening ended with students saying that they felt their lives shifted toward the better and that they felt they gained a deeper understanding of Yoga. While at the Ashram, Swami-ji planted a tree in celebration. We are always grateful for our time with Swamiji and look forward to his visit next year. " - Smt. Sharon (Sudha) Alitt (Founder of Kula kamala Ashram). "Divine Experience": It was indeed a "Blissful" experience to
be a part of Maharudra and Navchandi Yajana (June 13 & June 14)
at Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago in the holy presence of Pujya
Swami Adhyatmanandaji and so many Saints & Mahatma. Congregation
of Vedic exponents from all over the world chanted the Veda
mantras synchronously and the vibrations generated by this
divine recitation invoked the very presence of the Lord that
elevated higher level of consciousness which was felt by all. It
was indeed a Divine experience. "His knowledge of the subject, communication skills and melodious voice are exemplary. Everyone in the audience enters into a sort of trance where they are fully immersed into the divine nectar that is flowing. His sense of humor and use of everyday examples make difficult spiritual subjects much easier to understand. He has a unique ability to put everyone at ease by conversing in their mother tongue and showing genuine interest in their personal welfare. Overall, the program was a huge success and the local community members around Parsippany were able to derive precious pearls of wisdom from Pujya Swamiji's vast knowledge. Pujya Swamiji is always welcome at Shri Sanatan Mandir every time he visits the US." - Sri Ajit Kothari (President, Shri Sanatan Mandir) It is organized under the guidance & leadership of Pujya Sri Swami Adhyartmanandaji Maharaj, who has conducted over 770 Yoga camps in the East & the West. Ashram's holy atmosphere is ideal for enhancing your spiritual growth as well as the skill in the science of Yoga. You can still enroll. Contact the ashram for the details - sivananda_ashram@yahoo.com / Registration form Chidananda Centenary celebrations - Sivananda Yoga DVD (new) It is a complete guide for the beginners as well as experts. It contains 84 Yoga postures. It is like Yoga Teachers comes to your home. A "must possess" treasure for not only Yoga lovers but for everyone. Upcoming Krishna Janmotsav &
satsang programs
"And, I am seated in the hearts of all; from Me are memory, knowledge, as well as their absence. I am verily that which has to be known by all the Vedas; I am indeed the author of the Vedanta, and the knower of the Vedas am I." (15:15)
Lord Ganesh - "Embodiment of Wisdom" on auspicious Ganesh Chaturthi (Sept 17, 2015) |
Regular Activities and Services at the Holy Sivananda Ashram
Latest Additions.........
Sivananda Yoga (Yoga DVD) Diwali Prasad booklet - "Kanakdhara Stotram" ( Sanskrit/ Gujarati/ English) Birth Centenary Celebration of Guru Bhagawan Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj Atam Mahek (Gujarati) / Fragrance ( English) - Swami Adhyatmananda Vishnusahsranama - with meaning |
"Amrut Mahotsav Celebration Year" (May 3, 2019 - May 3, 2020) of H.H. Sri Swami Adhyatmanandaji
Yoga, A Way of Life - Sri Swami Adhyatmananda
"Yoga and Health" - a complete book with Question & Answer section by Sri Swami Adhyatmananda
Books on Yoga by Swami Adhyatmananda
"Amrut Putra" (Gujarati)
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