OM Namo Bhagawate Sivanandaya!
OM Namo Bhagawate Chidanandaya!
OM Namo Narayanaya!
"New Year Message" by Swami Sivananda
"On this glorious New Year’s day make a strong resolve to wipe
away all the old worldly Vasanas or tendencies and bad
impressions and to control the senses and the mind.
Know the value of time. Time is most precious. Utilise every
second profitably. Live every moment of your life for the
realisation of your ideal and goal. Do not procrastinate. That
"tomorrow" will never come. Now or never. Abandon idle
gossiping. Kill egoism, laziness and inertia. Forget the past. A
glorious and brilliant future is awaiting you.
Equal vision is the touchstone of knowledge. Unselfishness is
the touchstone of virtue. Brahmacharya is the touchstone of
ethics. Oneness is the touchstone of Self-realisation. Humility
is the touchstone of devotion. Therefore, be unselfish, humble
and pure. Develop equal vision. Be in tune with the Infinite."
-Swami Sivananda <More>>
Early Morning Meditation Talks from Ponder These Truths by Sri
Swami Chidananda
"This Moment"
This moment is God. God comes to you as this moment. He does not
descend in some sort of supramundane shape and size with lights
flashing and sound emanating. He comes silently as this moment.
Now is God. He constantly keeps coming to you as now, as this
moment. We have to help God to help us when He comes as kaloham—I
am time, I am life.
And what is life and what is time if it is not now, if it is not
this moment? Without any distinction of age or sex or caste or
creed or race it is given to everyone, saint or sinner. That is
the equal vision of the Divine. It is not withheld from anyone.
It is given to everyone. God comes to everyone as this moment.
This is life. This is the I AM God—here, now. That is the
greatest thing. This moment is the most tremendous thing that
can happen to you. It is the greatest thing that can be given to
you. Be wise. Make use of this moment and bless yourself
eternally. - Swami Chidananda
<< More>>
New Year Greetings from Sri Swami Adhtytmananda
not be attracted by seeing a beautiful entrance gate. Most of
the time there are NO houses behind it." this is an old
saying. Yes, beautiful gates are always entrances for small
pockets of villages or group of beautiful bungalows. That is the
positive thinking that immediately we may not find any house
but, it may be opening of heaven even.
Last year, we welcomed year 2016 with all glamour, pomp and
show. But, unfortunately, across the world, there were fires,
storms, avalanches, earth quakes and unfortunate restlessness of
And now again, we have to welcome year 2017 with all enthusiasm.
Year may come or go. May it have enough rain or drought, may it
be very hot or bring heavy snow fall, we keep on working. In the
farm, the farmer keeps busy with tiling of land, sowing the
seed, removal of the weed, taking care of crop and when actually
crop is ready for harvesting and oh! a big crowd of locusts come
and within no time they eat away entire earning of the farmer.
But, after such bitter experience, again with all enthusiasm,
hope and attitude of positivity, he starts tiling the land for
the next crop.................................
To lead or live life of peace, bliss and illumination, company
of Holy men and Self-introspection is SINE QUA NON! Abide in
the Truth only, nothing but TRUTH only. Do not try to fish for
self-praise. Always give credit to all those who are in your
surroundings. Cultivate Attitude of Gratitude. Daily Prayer is
must ! Self-introspection and love for Nation and Nature will
bring happiness in true sense for Happy New Year 2017
<< More>>.
With greetings for New Year 2017,
Thy own self,
Swami Adhyatmananda
Learning of "Jeevan Yog" from a Yoga Acharya Swami
Through TV episodes of "Jeevan Yoga" Series by Doordarshan
Bhastrika Pranayama
The meaning of the Sanskrit word ‘Bhastrika’ is ‘Bellows’, thus
the Bhastrika Pranayama is called the ‘bellows breath’. This
form of breathing increases the flow of air into the body to
produce inner heat at the physical and subtle level.
Bhastrika breathing is a dynamic and highly energizing abdominal
breathing exercise requiring a large expenditure of physical
energy. It is accomplished by breathing abdominally at the rate
of 1-4 breaths per second, with inhalations and exhalations
equally emphasized and equally active.
Kapalbhai Kriya
Kapal in Sanskrit means forehead, and Bhati in Sanskrit means
Shining. Practicing Kapalbhati on regular basis leads to shining
face with inner radiance. Kapalbhati is highly energizing
abdominal breathing exercise. What we do in Kapalbhati
Pranayama ?
In Kapalabhati we do quick exhalation and natural inhalation.
Normally exhalation takes one fourth of the time of inhalation.
Quick exhalation and natural inhalation follow each other.
Episode 77- 80>>
Highlighting News & Upcoming Events
News & Activity report for the Month of December 2016
Divya Jivan /
December 2016

Whoever offers Me with devotion and a pure mind (heart), a leaf,
a flower, a fruit or a little water—I accept (this offering).

Whatever thou doest, whatever thou eatest, whatever thou
offerest in sacrifice, whatever thou givest, whatever thou
practiseth as austerity, O Arjuna, do it as an offering unto Me!
( 9:27)

To those men who worship Me alone, thinking of no other, of
those ever united, I secure what is not already possessed and
preserve what they already possess.(9:22)