OM Namo Bhagawate Sivanandaya!
OM Namo Bhagawate Chidanandaya!
OM Namo Narayanaya!
Glories of Lord Sri Krishna on the occasion of Sri
Krishna Jayanti (August 17, 2014 )
Bhagavan Sri Krishna is the immortal manifestation of God in all
His splendor, that man was ever given the fortune to behold.
Man! Blessed thou art, that hast
visualised with thy fleshly

the mighty Dignity of the Supreme Sovereign of the Universe!
Thou art purified; thy birthright is to realise Him; thy fortune
is a part of His Greatness! Sri Krishna may be called the
"Collective Man", who represented all beings hungering and
thirsting to gain the Highest Freedom and who voiced forth their
deepest aspirations in the loudest possible tone. He came to
release man from the thraldom of vice and correct his vision so
that he could walk along the ever-illumined path to perfection.
Sri Krishna is the articulation of the pure longings that are
buried in the hearts of people. Sri Krishna is not merely a
historical man who came and went, like others, but the Eternal
Purusha who dwells even now and shall live in the everlasting
future, in the core of all manifestation. It is the Symbol of
the Absolute descended into relativity that we call Krishna, the
ever-beloved protector of all that breathe and air."
"So Sri
Krishna is called an Avatara, a descent of God in the world, of
the Whole in the parts, of the Absolute in the relative. An
Avatara is different from a Rishi or a Jivanmukta who represents
an ascent of man to God, whereas the Avatara is a descent of God
to man, consciously and deliberately. Sri Krishna lived the
universal life, laughed a universal laughter, and walked on
earth as the moving Spirit of the universe. To worship Him is to
be in the Presence of God; to know Him is to realise the Self."-
Swami Sivananda
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Early Morning Meditation Talks from Ponder These Truths by
Sri Swami Chidananda
Moment" - "True life is made up of “now.” True life is not made
up of bygone yesterdays or uncertain tomorrows. What we have is
like a lump of clay in a sculptor’s hands or a piece of gold in
a goldsmith’s shop. We can create out of it what we will. At
this moment, what are we doing with the time we have? Are we
thinking of something else? Are we forming opinions of people
who are sitting beside us or of the person speaking to us? Or,
are we engaged in making our life sublime, enriching ourselves,
uplifting ourselves, drawing nearer to the Divine, and awakening
within, unfolding ourselves, shining with the awakened light?
What are we engaged in doing in this moment?
This moment, this concept, this word, this fact, this truth is
the most tremendous truth of life. Life is made up of this
moment and this moment only—not of dead yesterdays nor of unborn
tomorrows. But your life to each one of you is not even today.
It is this moment. This moment is what we effectively have.
Other aspects of time are what you imagine you have. Other
aspects of time are present in your mind as ideas and concepts.
They are most deceptive ideas.
This moment is God. God comes to you as this moment. He does
not descend in some sort of supramundane shape and size with
lights flashing and sound emanating. He comes silently as this
moment. Now is God. He constantly keeps coming to you as now, as
this moment. We have to help God to help us when He comes as
kaloham—I am time, I am life".- Swami Chidananda
On "Health Topics" from a Book " Yoga & Health " by Swami
Can those having High Blood Pressure practice Asanas?
"Yes, they can practice Asanas; in fact they must surely
practice them. All the Asanas excepting Shirsasana can be
practiced. All the Asanas can be performed without any fear. But
the special Asanas and Pranayama that can offer benefits are:
Shashankasana, Shavasana and Pranayama carried out with ease.
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Tour 2014 of H. H. Sri Swami Adhyatmanandaji ( June 13, 2014 -
Sept 2, 2014) to USA, Canada & UK)
asked Pujya Swamiji the secret of His ever Vibrant, Radiant &
Joyful nature? "Abide In The SELF", He says………." In all
condition I am Bliss, Bliss, Bliss Absolute"……Adopt, Adjust &
Accommodate" ……And each breath of His, is in the remembrance of
GOD and in the service of His Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji
Mahahraj & Gurubhagavan Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj. Their
ever flowing Grace is the force behind everything.
Yes, that is what we observe being with HIM in proximity during
HIS Adhyatma Tour. Pujya Swamiji carries a spark of love, light
& joy. He kindles and inspire people, whoever come in contact
with Swamiji. HIS Divine satsang and Yoga teaching has brought
joy, peace & bliss to countless spiritual aspirants and yoga
enthusiasts in the West. Devotees appreciate His simplicity,
sincerity and down to earth simple living, a Yoga way of Living,
in the true sense.
Adhyatma Tour 2014 of H.H. Sri Swami Adhyatmanandaji commenced
from Chicago on June 13, 2014 and it is moving smoothly with
Gurudev's grace & blessings – The programs at Chicago, Madison,
Corpus Christi, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Charlotte, Milwaukee,
Indianapolis, Detroit , Toledo, Toronto are completed and now in
its last segment to New Jersey ( Aug 5 - Aug 17). Spiritual and
Yoga Retreat at Sanatan Mandir (at Parsippany) and Srimad
Bhagawat katha at Bharat Sevashram have been scheduled around NJ
Some of the highlights of Adhyatma Tour 2014 programs.......
Pujya Swamiji's happy 70 years and Gurupurnima celebrations with
Naik family gathering (at Chicago), Pranprtishta Mahotsav of
Lord Sri Satya Narayan Deity (at Madison Mandir), a story of
healing blessings to Nartan's (San Jose organizer) Dad at
Nursing home, Key note address at Rotarian Meeting, Srimad
Bhagawat Katha at Sanatan Mandir, Meeting Health Minister of
Government of India - Sri Harsha Vardan (at Atlanta), a story of
young boy, Deepak Laugani (at Detroit), Devi Bhagwata Saptah at
Toronto and more .......
We bring you wonderful experiences of peace and joy, sentiments
of deepest gratitude of devotees and organizers in their own
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clips - by Ravi Ponangi (India Tribune, PR publicity media)
Highlighting Upcoming events
News & Activity
Report for the Month of July 2014
Divya Jivan /
July 2014

"I am the Self, O Gudakesha, seated in the hearts of all beings!
I am the beginning, the middle and also the end of all beings."
( 10 : 20)

"And, I am seated in the hearts of all; from Me are memory,
knowledge, as well as their absence. I am verily that which has
to be known by all the Vedas; I am indeed the author of the
Vedanta, and the knower of the Vedas am I." (15:15)

"Having become the fire Vaisvanara, I abide in the body of
living beings and, associated with the Prana and Apana, digest
the fourfold" (15:18)

"Abandoning all duties, take refuge in Me alone; I will liberate
thee from all sins; grieve not." (18:66)
Lord Ganesh - "Embodiment of Wisdom" on auspicious Ganesh
Chaturthi August 29, 2014