Write-Ups and Quotes
"A great son (sun) of India Adhyatma-Jyoti Sri Swami Adhyatmananda Saraswati is an "adarsh" yati & Saint of holy matrubhoomi Bharatvarsha."
- H. H. Sri Swami Chidananda
"Swami Adhyatmanandaji can attend to eight things at a moment. He generates the Hasya Rasa, Karuna Rasa, Santa Rasa etc., in the persons who come in contact with him and they are elevated to a spiritual height forgetting their conditioned existence."
- Swami Sivachidanadna
"A great star in the Galaxy of Divine Life, Model yogi, dynamic speaker, outshines even John Gray and Caroline Myss! An evening not to be missed!"
- Swami Shardananda
"Swami Adhyatmanandaji – a Divine Healer, Crest-jewel of Divine Life Society, A personality beyond the realm of words… His whole being is so multifaceted that it cannot be circumscribed in words!"
- Sri H. K. Lal
H. 0. Shivanandanagar (U. P.)
Worshipful Homage to the Eternal Reality, the Beginningless and Endless Cosmic
Spirit Divine. Loving adorations to Gurudev Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj and all
the Great Sages of Wisdom and illuminated Seers and Saints of the world.
the Divine Grace of the Eternal and Infinite Reality be upon Sri Swami
Adhyatmanandaji Saraswati at this auspicious juncture, when he completes 50th
Birth Anniversary. May the Choicest Blessings of Beloved Sri Gurudev Swami
Sivanandaji Maharaj be upon his grand disciple Sri Adhyatmanandaji now and
the Divine Grace of the Supreme Universal Soul and Guru-Kripa grant him long
life, good health and strength, energy and inspiration to carry on the wonderful
good work that he has been dynamically doing in the service of our Nation and
people of Bharat Varsha as well as countries outside.
nationwide propagation of the Wisdom Teachings of Yoga and Vedanta and the
effective spread of the knowledge of Srimad Bhagavat Gita that Sri
Adhyatmanandaji has been doing over the past more than 20 years, has brought
about an effective spiritual awakening amongst innumerable people of all age
groups and varied sectors of our present day Indian Society.
highly praiseworthy work in the practical field of imparting scientific Yoga
Training has spontaneously. evoked the admiration and gratitude of numerous
highly placed persons directing the public sector organizations, like the Lal
Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie the Institute of
Administration Nainital the BHEL, Hardwar and Ranipet; the Pantanagar
University, the Punjab Agricultural University (Ludhiana), the Patiata Punjabi
University as also various units of our country's armed forces at Bareilly,
Udhampur etc.
He has done
inestimable good work among the deep coal mines workers at Singharam Collieries,
Andhra Pradesh and other institution in Bhadrachalam Palvancha as well as the
Gujarat university and universities at Baroda and Saurastra.
Swamiji has been a great asset to the Divine Life Society especially in its
field of Prachar-work ever since he joined the Sivananda Ashram in the year
1972. His deep compassion and understanding towards persons in distress
and suffering and also his great spirit of service makes his life and work
worthy of emulation. During his past twenty years of service of God and
man, he has helped to salvage the life and career of many promising young
persons who had become drug-addicts and some who had fallen into wrong company
and taken to a career of violents. This is in my knowledge as I came into
personal contact with such type of persons into whose lives Sri Swami
Adhyatmanandaji had brought a new light, a new hope and a new direction ! He
helped them by making them aware of a higher meaning to their lives and a sense
of purpose in their living.
Bharat Varsha and our Bharatiya Sanskruti have in him a dedicated worker in the
cause of their sincere propagation amongst the people of our present times.
am immensely happy that the Gujarat Divya Jivan Sangha is observing his Golden
Jubilee Birth-day anniversary - with special programme at Ahmedabad, the capital
of Gujarat. I am glad to send my very best good wishes in the form of this
message for their Special Golden Jubilee Souvenir that they are bringing out
upon this occasion.
God bless Sri Adhyatmanandaji and make him shine with the light of a really
Divine Life ! As he enters into the 51 st year, having completed half century of
his earth life, I offer him my felicitations and pray that he may live to be
hundred years so that numerous sincere seeking souls may be benefitted by his
"Janata - Janardan Seva".
Jai Sivananda
Who is He?
Deputy Commissioner of Commercial Taxes, Govt. of Bihar
I am
neither a saint nor a scholar, so, I am not supposed to meddle with the
philosophy and religion, Sadhana and spiritualism. I cannot dare to write
something about Sadhana or "how to attain God-realization" etc.
But I know a little about this Mahatma whose Golden Jubilee is here. It
may also be his silver Jubilee year in the Sivanand Ashram. He has been
endowed with all the qualities of head and heart by God. He has earned
Guru-Kripa by the dint of unstinted devotion to Sri Gurudev. Hard-work is
also something behind it.
played the role of Satyakama when he was assigned the duty at SatyaNarayan
agriculture and milk dairy farm of the Ashram. He played the
representative of Lord Buddha when he was assigned to visit Japan for Yoga
propagation by Sri Gurudev. Yet, this golden- hearted Swamijee is most
misunderstood and under-understood. He not only resembles Swami
Vivekananda in look but he imbibes in him, his qualities as well.
I drifted to the Ashram in
October 1978. The first person who captivated me at that time was a
bearded young Sanyasin managing the Annapurna. What brilliance he had in
his personality ! Who is he ? what forced him to become Sanyasin ? He appeared
fit to manage any big assignment of management and administration. Year
after year I visited the Ashram, started coming closer to him. He managed
many, rather most of the, Sadhana Saptahs and enforced strict discipline,
punctuality and orderliness. At times, even stalwart Sadhakas failed to
gain entry in the hall or pandal, if late. He insisted on sitting erect
with backbone remaining straight. His admonition that Sadhana is not a
casual affair but serious pursuit, went with the Sadhakas even after leaving the
Ashram after the Sadhana-week. But his strictness had very soft interior,
he admonished Sadhakas because he loved them and was their best well-wisher.
many could understand him?
cannot forget that incident. H. H. Late Swami Vedvyasanandajee was invited
to deliver a Pravachan to the Sadhakas in the Samadhi Shrine Hall. This
young, humble and dashing Sanyasin was escorting that Swamijee. On his
arrival in the hall, Swami Vedvyasanandajee said to H. H. Swami Chidanandajee
Maharaj present there that "please give me this one Sanyasin in exchange of
all my other Sanyasin" Sri Gurudev just smiled. Such incidents
eublogizing this rotund-faced, white complexioned Sanyasin are numerous.
This must have caused some hearts to ache as it was proved in subsequent years.
Swamiji is considered an asset to the Ashram, a rising
Brahmagyani, a strong administrator and what not. Truth triumphs.
Cherub like Swamijee moved to countries like Japan and Mauritius on the behest
of Sri Gurudev. The Sadhakas of those countries considered themselves
twice blessed in getting among them in their country such a perfect Sanyasin, a
true representative of Holy Sivananda Ashram, nay, the true representative of
Sanyasin and Yogis of Bharatvarsha, H. H. Swami Chidanandajee Maharaj once wrote
in the Divine life Magazine about him as "most sought after Sanyasin".
In the service of Gurudev he cared little about his own health and wellbeing.
He silently suffered most heinous humiliation and machination.
After sixteen years of association with Swamijee I could
know that he possesses the heart of an emperor, he is more caring than a mother.
He is our friend, philosopher and guide. It is beyond my capacity to write
about his greatness and virtues. In the State like West Bengal, where
people are very critical and simply wearing of ochre cloth does not impress
them, he is an astounding success. He is adored, respected and obeyed
I am no authority to gauge his spiritual attainments but I
would like to narrate a personal experience. Less than a year back, I had
to convey a vexing and difficult family problem to him in a sentimental way.
He listened. Apart from giving practical advice, he silently prayed for my
problem to be over and it was over. Yes, a disaster, an impending probable
tragedy was averted. Such are the powers of his prayers and blessing.
Seek it and find it.
He has earned not only Guru-Kripa but he had the fortune of
being 'Kripa- paatra' of Holy Sri Sri Anandmayee Maa. He is liked and
respected by everybody who comes in his contact. The list of his admirers
includes unemployed youth, estranged families, high Administrative Officials and
Generals. He is a source of solace to all. God bless him with
abundance of Guru-Kripa which is the only thing he likes most.
President, The Divine Life Society, Chandigarh
Two words came to my mind when I sat down to write this page. But these,
'prodigy' and 'precocious', got melt away immediately as the flood of light,
emanating from the innumerable qualities generated by the aura sustained by him,
was too much, too much. A flash dawned on me. Supernatural! Yes, he
is a supernatural being!
you meet him, you feel a joy. A joy oozes out of the heart on coming
across him. It is all because of his sterling character, regularity in
Sadhana, Japa, Meditation and Tapasya.
dynamic nature, his love for strict discipline, his marvelous punctuality, his
clock like regularity, unfailing memory, power of observance, melodious and
mellifluous voice, charming eloquence, synthesizing the qualities of head, heart
and hand, love for the high and low, young and old, infant and child, quick
grasping power, obedience to the superiors, complete surrender to the Guru,
utmost faith in Holy Masters teachings, burning zeal for untiring service, zest
for lifting others, divine healing touch, vast knowledge of languages, control
of senses, wonderful detachment from mammon, feelings for the lowly and
downtrodden, through & through magnanimity, devotion to the saints, leech
like tenacity to Japa and Dhyana, consistent and constant Tapas, writing power,
maiden discourses full of devotion. Philosophy, yoga and so on, easily
understandable teaching techniques, love for yoga, his knack for learning new
techniques, scientific nature, love for Indian culture, love for spreading
spirituality, constant prayerful mood, organizing and managing ability, physical
agility, mental alacrity, aesthetic sense, nature to work in a beautiful manner,
discerning dispassion, firm faith in scripture, aptitude to adapt and adjust,
are few qualities that I narrate for the reader. His personality,
charismatic aura, the halo and the wonders achieved by these, cannot be
described here because for that I shall have to devote this whole souvenir.
Infact I have a desideratum to publish works like, "Swami Adhyatmananda, a
Divine Healer", "Crest-jewel of Divine Life Society", or "A
personality beyond the realm of words". But paucity of funds is a
thwarting factor. His whole being is so multifaceted that it cannot be
circumscribed in the precincts of words.
shall now describe a few miracles wrought by him, because, as stated in the
preceding para, it is not possible to put into black and white the all.
Dr. (Mrs.) Nirmal Bhatia got cured of her chronic arthritis. Savita Sharma
(now married) was ailing for the last many years, but her chronic fever
disappeared after coming into contact with Swamiji. My colleague, Shri Man
Mohan Singh Bhatia, Manager (Administration & Insurance), was suffering from
Parkinsonism since long. I took him to Patiala where Swamiji was holding
Yoga Camp in Punjabi University on 2.10.1985. He gave a yogic prescription and
he is now almost cured although Post Graduate Medical & Research Institute,
Chandigarh, had declared him incurable. But Swamiji Maharaj never bragged
about these.
was myself suffering from acute pain in the back, could not even move and I
could not go to receive him even. But during the day his healing touch
made the pain vanish to such an extent that in the evening I walked all the way
from my house in Sector 37-D to Govt. Yoga Health Organization in Sector
23-A. Such instances are many.
nature to feel the joys and sorrows of other as if he himself was passing
through that happiness or agony, has been appreciated by one and all here.
No one considers him an alien. Everyone feels that Swamiji is just one of
his or her family member. I leave it to you to probe the reasons for the
same. Miles away when he comes to know of a tragedy in some family here,
he finds time despite his busiest and tight schedule to rush to console the
members of the family. Sometimes the members do not intimate him such news
lest he would have to cut his valuable time being devoted by him for altruism.
But on coming to know, he grudges with the members of the family as to why he
was not even intimated as one family member does with another. He felt
very much and grudged with Mr. P. N. Manocha, a member, as to why he had not
been even informed of his mother's death. He also comes all the way to
participate in marriages and would pour his blessings with prayers to the
President - designate Sivananda Centenary Boys' High School Khandagiri,
Bhubaneswar (ORISSA)
Rare are the gems. Similarly very rare are the gems among men. Our
most Beloved and Revered Sri Swami Adhyatmanandaji Maharaj is such a rare human
being, in whom Gurukripa is flowing abundantly. He is Sadhana Siddha; by
his own Purusartha he has acquired those multifaceted divine qualities.
has completely merged in the footprints of the Master, worshipful Sri Swami
Chidanandaji Maharaj. The more the surrender, the more grace of the Guru
will flow to the disciple. This ideal disciple tunes himself with the
Master when he is supposed to speak to the audience. He can spell-bound an
audience in lakhs. He amuses his listeners. He makes the devotees
thrilled with Asta Sattwika Vikaras like tears, horripilation, sweat, choking of
throat etc, when he joyously sings high-pitch continuous Bhajans. Hundreds
and thousands have learnt Yoga from this Yogacharya Swamiji.
our Swamiji can attend to eight things at a moment. He generates the Hasya
Rasa, Karuna Rasa, Santa Rasa etc., in the persons who come in contact with him
and they are elevated to a spiritual height forgetting their conditioned
existence. Gurudev once greeted this dearest disciple of his as an
Astavadhani Astakalakusala.
Swamiji is my friend, philosopher and guide. We have traveled together in air, road and boat in the length and breadth of Mother India during Gurudev Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj's Pre-centenary Prachar Yatra. My obeisance to Swamiji Maharaj. I wish many happy returns of this most auspicious Golden Jubilee Day of my beloved Swami Adhyatmanandaji Maharaj. May we rise upto our Master's expectation so that He will be proud of us ! OM.
Latest Additions.........
Sivananda Yoga (Yoga DVD)
Atam Mahek (Gujarati) / Fragrance ( English) - Swami Adhyatmananda |
Yoga, A Way of Life - Sri Swami Adhyatmananda
"Yoga and Health" - a complete book with Question & Answer section by Sri Swami Adhyatmananda
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