Sri Hanuman Stavan

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"Sri Hanuman Stavan"

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atulita-bala-dhaaman hema shilabha deham

danujavana-krsnam janina-mgraganyam

sakalagunaa-nidhaanam vaanaranaa-madhiisam

raghupati-priya-bhaktam vataa jaatam namaami


I salute the son of the Wind God (Hanuman), the leader of the monkeys and the messenger of Rama, whose strength in matchless, whose body is like a hill of gold, who burns up the forest of asuras (demons) like a jungle fire, who towers among the spiritually illumined ones, and who is a treasure-house of all virtues.



ramaayana-mahaamala-ratnam vande-nilaatmajam


Salutation to the son of the Wind God (Hanuman), who crossed the ocean as if it were a puddle in the hoof-marks of a calf, who squashed the Rakshasas as if they were mosquitoes, and who by his deeds shines like the central gem in the necklace of the Ramayana.

anjana nandanam viram janaki-soka naashanam

kapisha maksahan taaram vande lanka-bhayankaram


I salute the heroic Hanuman, the leader of the monkeys and the son of Anjana, who is the slayer of (Ravan’s son) Akshkumara, who was a terror to the inhabitants of Lanka, and who assuaged the grief of Sita.


ullanghya sindhoh salilam salilam

yaah shoka vahanim janakat majayah

adayaa tenaiva dadahaa lankam

namaami tam pranjalir-anjaneyam


With palms joined in reverence, I prostrate to the son of Anjana who leaped across the sea as in sport, removing the fire from Sita’s mind and burning Lanka with that very fire.

manojavam maruta tulyavegam

jitendriyam budhimaatam varishitam

vaatmajam vanaraayutha mukhyam

srirama dhuutam sharanam prapadhye


I bow my head to hanuman, the Wind God’s Son, Messenger of Rama, Leader of the Monkey Army, who is fast as the wind and quick as the mind, who is the master of his senses and most distinguished and wise.


anjaneya mati patalaananam

kanchanadri kamaniya-vigraham

parijata tarumula-vasinam

bhavayaami paavamana-nananam


I meditate on the son of the Wind God and Anjana, whose face is deep red in complexion, whose body is as fascinating as a mountain of gold, and whose favourite resort is the base of the Parijata tree.

yatra yatra raghunaatha-kirtanam

tatra tatra krta masta kaanjalim

baspa vaari paripurna-locanam

maarutim naamata rakshas-antakam


I prostrate before Maruti (Hanuman), the dealer of death to the Rakshasas (Demons), who, with head bent down, palms folded in adorations, and eyes brimming with tears, frequents every place where Rama's Name is glorified. 

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