Miracle of Swami Sivananda

Reported by a devotee ( June  2010)

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There is  a book “ Miracles of Swami Sivananda” describing SIVA’s miracles but even now it happens. A devotee family recently reported a miracle that happened thus...

“Two  weeks ago, we had a bad thunder storm and our area was hit hard, a huge oak tree (lived over 50 years) in the front the yard fell on roof of our home. With the grace of the Lord & SIVA, we are safe except minor damage to the roof. Swami Sivananda ‘s life size photo is in the Living room of our holy abode.

Tornado Striken Home - Slide Show

After viewing the slide show and seeing the way  a huge tree on the roof, one of the relative humorously commented that it almost looks like the tree wanted to give a hug to the home and blessings to all of you for one last time. But, the devotee family members'  feeling about whole experience was quite different and responded as below.

“Yes, I liked your thought on behalf of the long lived Tree's feeling on its departure and I feel deeply for it and missing its presence, but consoled by the thought that the  way it has calmly bended in reverence at SIVA's Feet,  without causing much disturbance to its home and parent before the departure from this earthly sojourn. It has certainly must have ascended  to higher plane in its evolution of  life cycle."

In Mahatma’s presence birds and beasts, trees and animals behave. It is great, Lord and Gurudev’s  ways are mysterious, we need to have keen eyes to witness HIS presence."    



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