Spirit, which is veritably the power of God set in motion, keeps itself
ever vigilant to maintain the purpose of creation, and it never sleeps even for
a moment. It is always active in working to maintain the equilibrium and order necessary for the fulfillment of the aim of
creation. It is always intolerant about excesses and extremes of any kind.
Whenever and wherever there is an intolerable excess or extreme, an overstepping
of boundaries and limits, the spirit begins to work forcefully and brings back
the powers to move in the direction of the desirable, and sets things in tune
with the purposes or aims which it has in view.
At the time when Sri Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj came to
limelight in this world, sometime in the earlier part of this century, it could
be observed that there were certain movements in human history which required
rectification. History is nothing but the march of the intentions of the
Time-spirit which vigorously adjusts and adapts itself to the ultimate aim and
goal towards which the entire universe is moving. At the beginning of this
century, there were two trends in the social movement, which went to excesses,
and they had to be checked. There was, on the one side, an excess of traditional
orthodoxy, while, on other side, there was an extreme in the materialistic and
economic outlook of life .We had both these things visible not only in
And whenever such a gulf of difference arises in the lives of the
people, whenever there is any intolerable movement of any kind, the spirit of
time takes the rod in its hand; and it does its work in two ways. Sometimes it
is harsh with people and punishes them with a tremendous revolution, an
earthquake, cataclysm or massacre, _ it can do even that when it is angry. But ,
if its intentions are of different kind , it can bring about an inward
revolution of a cultural and spiritual nature ( leading to the same aim , of
course ) and it is this act of the Time-Spirit that was responsible , we may say
, for the birth of such great spiritual masters like Sri Ramkrishna Paramahansa
and Swami Vivekananda . In a sense, we may say that the activities of the
Time-Spirit began with Raja Ram Mohan Roy himself, which marks the beginning of
the revival of ancient Indian culture in the modern period. This kind of
activity of invisible forces concretized itself in various ways of
manifestation, and these manifestations were of various types, some visible and
some invisible. The visible came in the form of stalwarts, geniuses and masters-
stalwarts like Tilak and Gokhale, geniuses like Swami Dayananada, Mahatama
Gandhi, and Aurobindo and masters like Ramana Maharishi and Swami Sivanandaji
Maharaj. These great personages of modern times were the spirits of an inward
revolution which was nothing but the hands of the Time-Spirit working for a
cosmic purpose. Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj was an embodiment of the intentions of
the Cosmic Spirit. It may safely be stated that he was Vedanta in daily life,
and Yoga in daily life, philosophy in action, sage and saint combined, the
highest idealism shaking hands with a down-to-earth realism. That was the
peculiar touch which Swami Sivananda gave to the spiritual value of mankind.
Spirituality was then
confined to masteries, Mahatmas and Yogis in sylvan areas and sequestered
places. It had not become a part and parcel of day-to-day life. That was one
aspect of the excesses. As mentioned earlier, there was other side of it, a
complete oblivion in respect of spiritual values; a thorough westernization,
taking in only the comfort-and satisfaction aspect of the western civilization
and ignoring the logical, ethical and other valuable principles involved in that
civilization. This dichotomy or gulf between the two excesses had to be bridged
by a personality who could act as a liaison between these two aspects
of human nature and activity. So, persons like Sri Swami Sivanandaji
Maharaj and Sri Aurobindo acted this role of bringing together the principles
of ancient tradition and wisdom in consonance with the presents-day
requirements of modern logic and scientific approach. So there
was once again the success of the Time Spirit in its real form, not
cutting itself off from the world, unapproachable and inaccessible to people,
nor going to the other excess of downright crass materialism.
Sri Gurudev’s approach was therefore very comprehensive and his life
was his teaching. some , at least , of his disciples regard themselves as thrice
blessed for having had the rare privilege of living in the physical vicinity of
this great master ; living with him for years and observing him was a greater
lesson imbibed by his disciples and followers than a study of books . This is a
fact, and it is a great truth. A few of the disciples who had the opportunity
and good fortune to be with him for many years of there lifetime had this
wonderful experience of living under the shade of a father , mother and divinity
manifest in human form , goodness & compassion blended in one . This is why
the life of Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj cannot be fully written from all its
aspects. There were so many characteristics of his life, and his close
associates like Swami Atmanandji Maharaj say that Gurudev had several of the
characteristics of lord
Spirit , which is veritably the power of God set in motion ,keeps itself
ever vigilant to maintain the purpose of creation , and it never sleeps even for a moment . It is always
active in working to maintain the equilibrium and order necessary for the fulfillment of the aim of
creation. It is always intolerant about excesses and extremes of any kind.
Whenever and wherever there is an intolerable excess or extreme , an
overstepping of boundaries and limits , the spirit begins to work forcefully and
brings back the powers to move in the direction of the desirable , and sets things in
tune with the purposes or aims which it has in view.
At the time when Sri Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj came to
limelight in this world , sometime in the earlier part of this century , it
could be observed that there were certain movements in human history which
required rectification . History is nothing but the march of the intentions of
the Time-spirit which vigorously adjusts and adapts itself to the ultimate aim
and goal towards which the entire universe is moving . At the beginning of this
century , there were two trends in the social movement , which went to excesses
, and they had to be checked . There was , on the one side , an excess of
traditional orthodoxy , while , on other side , there was an extreme in the
materialistic and economic outlook of life .We had both these things visible not
only in
And whenever such a gulf of difference arises in the lives of the people
, whenever there is any intolerable movement of any kind , the spirit of time
takes the rod in its hand ; and it does its work in two ways . Sometimes it is
harsh with people and punishes them with a tremendous revolution , an earthquake
, cataclysm or massacre , _ it can do even that when it is angry . But , if its
intentions are of different kind , it can bring about an inward revolution of a
cultural and spiritual nature ( leading to the same aim , of course ) and it is
this act of the Time-Spirit that was responsible , we may say , for the birth of
such great spiritual masters like Sri Ramkrishna Paramahansa and Swami
Vivekananda . In a sense , we may say that the activities of the Time-Spirit
began with Raja Ram Mohan Roy himself , which marks the beginning of the revival
of ancient Indian culture in the modern period . This kind of activity of
invisible forces concretized itself in various ways of manifestation , and these
manifestations were of various types , some visible and some invisible . The
visible came in the form of stalwarts, geniuses and masters- stalwarts like Tilak
and Gokhale,geniuses like Swami Dayananada,Mahatama Gandhi,and Aurobindo and
masters like Ramana Maharishi and Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. These great
personages of modern times were the spirits of an inward revolution which was
nothing but the hands of the Time-Spirit working for a cosmic purpose. Swami
Sivanandaji Maharaj was an embodiment of the intentions of the Cosmic Spirit. It
may safely be stated that he was Vedanta in daily life and Yoga in daily life,
philosophy inaction, sage and saint combined ,the highest idealism shaking
hands with a down-to-earth realism.That was the peculiar touch which Swami Sivanandaji
gave to the spiritual value of mankind.
Spirituality was then
confined to masteries, Mahatmas and Yogis in sylvan areas and sequestered
places. It had not become a part and parcel of day-to-day life. That was one
aspect of the excesses. As mentioned earlier, there was other side of it, a
complete oblivion in respect of spiritual values; a thorough
westernisation,taking in only the comfort-and satisfaction aspect of the western
civilisation and ignoring the logical,ethical and other valuable principles
involved in that civilisation. This dichotomy or gulf between the two excesses
had to be bridged by a personality who could act as a liaison between these two
aspects of human nature and
activity. So, persons like Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj and Sri Aurobindo acted
this role of bringing together the principles
of ancient tradition and wisdom in consonance with the presents-day
requirements of modern logic and scientific approach. So there
was once again the success of the Time Spirit in its real form, not
cutting itself off from the world, unapproachable and inaccessible to people,
going to the other excess of downright crass materialism.
Sri Gurudev’s approach was therefore very comprehensive and his life
was his teaching. some , at least , of his disciples regard themselves as thrice
blessed for having had the rare privilege of living in the physical vicinity of
this great master ; living with him for years and observing him was a greater
lesson imbibed by his disciples and followers than a study of books . This is a
fact , and it is a great truth . A few of the disciples who had the opportunity and good fortune to be with him for many years of there lifetime had this
wonderful experience of living under the shade of a father , mother and divinity
manifest in human form , goodness & compassion blended in one . This is why
the life of Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj cannot be fully written from all its
aspects . There were so many characteristics of his life , and his close associates
like Swami Atmanandji Maharaj say that Gurudev had several of the characteristics
of lord
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"Yoga and Health" - a complete book with Question & Answer section by Sri Swami Adhyatmananda
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