Worship of Lord Ganesh
Swami Adhyatmananda

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Salutations and adorations to the Lord Ganesh known to the western world as Elephant God. Lord Ganesh is the most auspicious and worshipped for His divine power of removing obstacles.

Then question comes, why He only can remove obstacles and none else? That is the secret of His Whole being itself. We see Him with big belly, long trunk, wide ears, very small eyes. All these have symbolic meaning and teach important lesson that help us, free us from obstacles & elevate us.

The very purpose of big belly is swallowing everything, which comes in front of us. It doesn’t mean that we eat a lot. But the matter, the situation, the problem, the dialogue, the conversation, whether it is pleasant  or unpleasant , doesn’t matter, just swallow it, Hear everything with open wide ears. Do not react to it. Let us keep quite. Just swallow the words! Look in to any matter very minutely with small eyes. Smell it again and again with big trunk like an elephant. Then what ever may be of any use, of any help, of any assistant, just keep the same and rest of it throw away.

It is said that, elephant will swallow the innermost part of coconut and throws away the outside shell, where as for mangoes it throws away the inner seed and eat away the pulp and external skin! What a wonderful understanding.

 In this world nothing is totally good or bad. It is all just a mixture of good and bad, likes and dislikes. It is all up to us for what to keep and what not? Whether to react or not? It is all in the mind. Worship of Ganapati or Ganesh is the science of minding the mind with the help of mind only. It is a art of going from gross to subtle and try to become even more subtler, which can refine our feelings, sentiments and make us strong to uplift us from the binding of duality of he or she, it or they, far or near, good or bad. Then we understand the root cause of any problem or obstacle. The cause is not in the external but it is all internal initially and eternal finally.

To worship Lord Ganesh is to confine in concentration, contemplation, and finally abide in the supreme or the blessedness or the absolute, by minding mind initially upon individual level and then from individual to cosmic level.

Everyday, systematically, scientifically, regularly, without fail and with interest when we keep on persuading upon this science of management of the self, we can have the grace of Lord Ganesh. We receive and achieve Riddhi and Siddhi & nothing will be impossible because in the word impossible there lays the word possible, too!

Hari Om. Om Shanti. Glory to Ganesh!!!

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