![]() Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad April 20121 ==================================== OM Namo Bhagawate Sivanandaya! OM Namo Bhagawate Chidanandaya! OM Namo Narayanaya!
"The Transcendental Divinity, That Is Lord Rama" by
Sri Swami Sivananda
On Sacred Sri Ramnavmi (April 21, 2021) ![]()
"The Name of Lord Rama is the greatest purifier of the
heart. It wipes away all one's sins. Not only this, but
it wipes away the sinful tendencies as well. The Name is
sweeter than the sweetest of objects. It is the haven of
peace. It is the very life of pure souls. It is the
purifier of all purifying agencies. It quenches the
consuming fire of worldly desires. It awakens the
knowledge of God. It bathes the aspirant in the, ocean
of divine bliss. Glory to Sri Rama and His Name!
The noblest lesson embodied in the Ramayana is the
supreme importance of righteousness in the life of every
human being. Righteousness is the spiritual spark of
life. Cultivation of righteousness is the process of
unfoldment of the latent divinity in man. The glorious
incarnation of the Supreme Being in the form of Lord
Rama has exemplified the path of righteousness. Let
mankind follow His footsteps and practise the ideals
cherished by Him, for it is only thus that there can be
everlasting peace, prosperity and welfare in this world.
None but the righteous can be truly happy. None but
he who has the correct sense of duty and the will
for its implementation can be said to live worthily.
One must be imbued with a definite conviction about
the supremacy of moral principles, ethical values
and spiritual ideals. These ought to guide one's
day-to-day actions and serve as powerful means for
the culture of the human personality. That is the
purpose of life. That is the way to Self-realisation.
That is the message and the mission of Lord Rama's
Life on earth - Swami Sivananda
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Early Morning Meditation talks from "Ponder
These Truths" by Swami Chidananda
" It is our ego-sense that we surrender, the
idea “I am doing.” We surrender our self-will
and put ourselves into His hands, so that we act
as He dictates, we act as He teaches. So action
is there, but no more self-will, no more action
prompted by the mind, but action according to
the will of God, according to the wisdom
teachings of God and His saints."
Surrender and activity do not conflict with
each other, but are part and parcel of a total
act of spiritualising yourself completely,
stepping aside and asking God to take over. If
God takes over, everything is under control,
everything is working perfectly. If we are
there, nothing is under control—mind is not
under control, senses are not under control,
everything is upside down. When you put yourself
under the will of God and His wisdom teachings,
then you are a self-controlled person. You will
not allow the senses to do whatever they wish or
the mind to do whatever it wishes. You will only
do that which is in accordance with the will of
God, the teachings of God and the saints. If it
is not in consonance with the will of God and
the teachings of the saints, you will not do
it." - Swami Chidananda
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Through TV episodes of "Jeevan Yoga" Series by Doordarshan Girnar OMKAR - "Omkar Sadhana is the Prana of Spiritual Sadhana. Omkar is the
best Pranayam."
Highlighting the News & Upcoming Events
47 th YTTC Yoga Teachers Training Course (May 11, 2021 - May 30, 2021) : Yoga Teachers Training Course (YTCC) at Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad is organized under the guidance and leadership of Yogacharya H.H. Sri Swami Adhyatmanandaji. Sri Swamiji has conducted over 800 Yogasana Camps over the globe and He has trained more than 1000 yoga teachers. These teachers render both preventive and curative aspects of yoga teaching for well-being of body and mind across humanity around the world and are instrumental in spreading ancient Indian Culture and rich heritage Our comprehensive Yoga Teachers Training Course provide a strong foundation for personal and spiritual development. It is design to further develop yoga student's skill in the science of Yoga and prepare them to teach yoga to others. During your stay, you will absorb yourself in the Yogic lifestyle and transform your body, mind and spirit.You will receive diploma certificate recognized by Gujarat University for details. Covid restriction may limit the attendees enrollment this time and there are other restrictions of negative Covid test twenty four hours prior to the start of YTTC for individual Yoga student is mandatory. Please contact the Ashram for the details by email < sivananda_ashram@yahoo.com > or Telephone # O79- 26861234. Please visit our Guest Information page for the details before planning your visit and help us make proper arrangements.
Sri Hanuman Jayanti ( April 27, 2021) ![]()
Where Hanuman is, there are Sri Rama and Sri
Sita and wherever Sri Rama and Sri Sita are
praised and their deeds recited, there
Hanuman is.
May his blessings be upon you all. Let us sing
his glory now! <<
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Glory to Hanuman, the blessed devotee of Lord Rama. Glory, glory to Sri Anjaneya, the mighty hero, undaunted warrior and learned Brahmacharin, the like of whom the world has not yet seen and will not see in time to come. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sri Hanuman Jayanti ( April 27, 2021) ![]()
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Books on Yoga by Swami Adhyatmananda
"Amrut Putra" (Gujarati)
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