December 15,2005 |
Divya Jivan Newsletter |
Who Am
I? - (Nan Yar?) The Teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi
"Blessed Immortal Atman! Spiritual life is an earnest endeavor to transcend sense-perceived, temporary appearances, unrealities, and attain to a vision and an experience of the super sensuous Divine Reality. It is an attempt to transcend changeful and passing sense appearances and to rise up and become established in the Reality that is ever-present amidst these ever-changing, temporary appearances as their very source, their support and their substratum." "Spiritual life means growing in godliness. Sadhana in its various forms such as japa, kirtan, puja, svadhyaya, asana, pranayama and meditation is a process of purifying and transforming your normal human nature into godly divine nature. And to ensure that your outer life of day-to-day living—speaking, acting, interacting with others and all life around you—to ensure that it supports your inner sadhana, you are admonished by Gurudev to transform your present outer life into a divine process, a divine life, not the life that you have been leading in the past, but a divine life. You have to make your life a divine life by bringing into it ingredients and qualities that belong to God, incorporating into it divinity, godliness, qualities that we do not normally associate with man, that we do not normally associate with this world, this earth plane." <<<More>>>
Satsang & Sahshra Deep Archanam on Dec 31, 2005 - On the eve of New
Year 2006, 1008th
& 651 Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama Camps
Q & A on Spiritual Life and Sadhana from “May I Answer That?”- by
Holy Master Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. Karma is likened to the wheel. It has to work out; because the force that set it in motion has to be spent. It is a cycle of action and reaction. Just as the arrow once discharged from the bow cannot be withdrawn, even if the hunter feels that he has aimed at a wrong target, Prarabdha Karma, the fruit of those Karmas performed in previous births that have come up for experience in this present birth, cannot be annulled. How then does God help His devotee? The all-merciful God does help His devotee by strengthening his will-power, his power of endurance, to bear the Karma-Phala with a cheerful countenance. The devotee is certainly not left to the mercy of his Purva Karma; he is beautifully clothed in the protective shield of His grace. Just as in the worst winter and violent storm, you remain unaffected in your own house and in your warm clothing, the devotee (though to the onlookers he is poor, sick or suffering) does not feel that he is suffering at all and is ever happy and blissful in His remembrance.
The protracted solicitations of the devotees of Johannesburg dragged Swamiji there on a long programme. On his arrival at Johannesburg a very touching event took place. An ardent devotee of Swamiji, mother Rose Kagan, popularly known as Sivananda Kausalya had been on the death-bed for quite sometime. Before she fell into a state of coma she had prayed for a final Darshan of His Holiness. It was, however difficult to believe that her desire could be fulfilled. But indeed her prayer was heard. The compassionate Swamiji who knows and responds to the hearts of the devotees was there beside her before she breathed her last. After his arrival at her bed-side, he prayed for sometime and the fortunate lady regained her consciousness for a few moments to behold him sitting by her bed. She greeted Swamiji with folded hands uttering distinctly 'Hari Om' and with this God remembrance and holy Darshan of the divine Guru she left her mortal frame. Fortunate was she indeed, for her funeral rite was also sanctified by the presence of His Holiness. |
Latest Additions.........
Sivananda Yoga (Yoga DVD) Diwali Prasad booklet - "Kanakdhara Stotram" ( Sanskrit/ Gujarati/ English) Divya Jivan (Gujarati)/ "Amrut Putra" (Gujarati) Atam Mahek (Gujarati) / Fragrance ( English) - Swami Adhyatmananda |
Yoga, A Way of Life - Sri Swami Adhyatmananda
"Yoga and Health" - a complete book with Question & Answer section by Sri Swami Adhyatmananda
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