Sivananda Ashram, Christmas 2006

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December  2006

Divya Jivan Newsletter

Christmas - 2006





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  Christmas - Its Spiritual Meaning (Dec 25, 2006)  -  Sri  Swami Sivananda

"With the advent of this Christ-spirit within the heart of the seekers, all human desires come to an end and they are replaced by pure higher Divine aspiration, Spirituality overcomes materialism. You break free from your slavery to the senses. You begin to live a new life, a divine life of purity, love, renunciation, humility, non-attachment and selflessness. Your life becomes sublime like the life of Christ. You begin to live a life of complete faith and dependence upon God. You always think of God, talk of Him and live for Him. Helping others becomes a real joy to you. You become a living witness of the Divine. All your life’s activities flow towards God."
"Beloved seekers, usher in now the real and spiritual Christmas within your being, become desireless. Conquer egoism. Become embodiments of true humility. Develop meekness and lowliness of spirit by humble surrender unto the Lord. Be courageous to overcome all obstacles. Joyously renounce mammon. Welcome the descent of the Light of Grace within. Rejoice in the advent of the Divine. Thus celebrate the Christmas that ultimately leads you on the glorious climax of Transfiguration, Resurrection and Ascension. Be crowned with Divine glory. Attain immortality, perfect freedom and be for ever steeped in infinite bliss. Through Christmas realise the Christ-consciousness and the radiant light of Atmic (divine) Wisdom. Amen."- Sri Swami Sivananda << More>.

Christ’s Divine Life - Swami Chidananda
Chirst Consciousness -Swami Krishnananda

   "Haven is where God Is. And God is Now,  Here" -Swami Chidananda

"The truth is not that where heaven is, there God is. The truth is that where God is, there heaven is. Therefore, you, as awakened, intelligent beings, endowed with perception, endowed with knowledge of the scriptures, endowed with understanding, you can very easily understand this fact, that it is not that God is where heaven is. You cannot confine God to a locality. On the contrary, heaven is where God is. And God is now, here."
" May the ever-present, indwelling peace of the Kingdom of Heaven within you, in which you dwell in the Spirit, may that peace be your gift to mankind day by day, day after day, through your every thought, every feeling, every word and action. May you live and move in this world as a messenger of peace, an angel of peace. May you live and move in this world as a source of joy to one and all. This prayer I offer to all of you as my Christmas gift." -Sri Swami Chidananda << More>>.
Christmas  Greetings & a  New Year (2007)  Message - Swami  Adhyatmananda

Radiant Immortal Divinities!
Most Beloved & Blessed Children of the Divine!
Hari Om! Om Namo Narayanaya!
Loving Adorations!
Prayers and wishes for Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2007. May abundant Grace of Mother Mary and Lord Jesus be ever upon you all. May His divine grace bring you all inner peace, perennial joy and supreme blessedness; is the sincere prayer and best wishes. May Year 2007 bring you all new hope of harmony with the SELF and excellent health, mutual affection, reverence and harmony with the member of the family, friends and all near and dear ones….<<More>>

News & Activity Report for the Month of December 2006
Parables of Sri  Swami Sivananda ay I Answer That

A Raja presented a rich Kashmiri shawl to a foolish Pandit. The Pandit had no idea of the value of the shawl. He at once wiped his nose and feet with the shawl. Irate at such stupidity, the Raja ordered that the shawl be taken away from the Pandit who did not know how to use it. And his peon snatched it away from the Pandit.

Similarly, this precious human birth has been bestowed upon us as a great gift by God. But the foolish man wastes it on woman, gold and fame. Death soon comes and snatches away this gift of God, grossly misused by man.

O man, utilise this precious human birth in Japa, study of scriptures, selfless service and meditation. Realise the Self and be free.


“If one wants to abide in the thought-free state, a struggle is inevitable. One must fight one's way through before regaining one's original primal state. If one succeeds in the fight and reaches the goal, the enemy, namely the thoughts, will all subside in the Self and disappear entirely.”
-Sri Ramana Maharshi

"An essential part of what is known as yoga, or sadhana, or spiritual life is transformation from that which is base and gross into that which is sublime, subtle, refined and pure. It is a transformation from the mere human to the Divine, from the purely mundane or secular, into the spiritual.

This process should be consciously made to prevail. If outer sadhana is accompanied by this inner process, then it is being done in the right manner and will have the desired effect. Our sentiments, emotions, thoughts, - feelings, reactions should undergo this transformation. They must begin to partake of the quality of the Spirit.

Therefore one should always keep checking up on oneself : Is this inner transformation taking place within me? Day after day, as I do my japa, puja, upasana, svadhyaya, asana and pranayama, is this process of essential alchemy taking place within my inner being?"
 - Swami Chidananda

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenly and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
 - Ralph Waldo Emerson



Latest Additions.........

Sivananda Yoga (Yoga DVD)

Diwali Prasad booklet - "Kanakdhara Stotram" ( Sanskrit/ Gujarati/ English)

Divya Jivan (Gujarati)/ Aug-Sept 2018 /  August -September 2017 (Special Issue)

Atam Mahek (Gujarati) / Fragrance ( English) - Swami Adhyatmananda

Vishnusahsranama - with meaning

Yoga, A Way of Life - Sri Swami Adhyatmananda


"Yoga and Health" - a complete book with Question & Answer section by Sri Swami Adhyatmananda  


 Books on Yoga by  Swami Adhyatmananda


"Amrut Putra" (Gujarati)



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