September 2009 |
Divya Jivan NewsletterSeptember 2009 |
![]() "Gurudev declared in one of his eighteen handwritten autobiographical epistles: "I live to serve, to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to raise the fallen, to console the distressed. This is my mission in life." And anyone who has known him, anyone who has lived with him, anyone who has seen him instantly recognised: "Here is a totally selfless, dedicated human being." He fulfilled to the very letter the scriptural description of this type of realised soul, who having attained illumination, having done everything that has to be done, having no desires because all their desires have been fulfilled through God-realisation, are seen to be, in the words of the Gita, "intent on the welfare of all creatures." Rare it is to find a parallel to the type of life—of lofty, sublime selflessness and total, wonderful, dedicated selfless service of all God’s creatures—that Gurudev was and placed before us as an ideal. It is to this embodiment of selflessness and selfless service, this great expounder of nishkama-karma-yoga, who boldly declared, "Service of humanity is worship of God," that we pay our homage. May his blessings be upon us all! - Swami Chidananda << More>>
"The central purpose of existence is to recognise your eternal
identity with the supreme Spirit. It is to grow into the image of
The story of Swami Chidananda has been a story of total
divinisation of the human personality. It is a story of silent
service and
"Dying to The Little Self" ".......What Guru Maharaj has summed up as,
“Die to live, lead the divine life.” “When shall I be free? When I
shall cease to be.” “Then shall I be free, when I shall cease to
be.” Then shall be the great orb, the great sunrise of
God-awareness, God-consciousness, the great day of days, of
rejoicing, of hallelujah, of vijaya (victory). And forever
this human consciousness is set to rest, atyantika abhava
(total, complete absence) of the false “I”. “For it is in dying to
the little self that one attains to ever-lasting life.” It does not
mean some grand or imaginary, fanciful, post-mortem stage or
other-worldly stage. Everlasting life is here and now, and dying to
the little self is the process of Yoga.
Sheetali and Shidhkari Pranayam Sit in Padmasana or Cross legged position in which the body can be relaxed and spine is erect. Then start inhaling through mouth by rolling the tongue, make sure that the air passing in is cooled via tongue. Initially 4 seconds inhale through mouth while rolling the tongue and exhale for 6 seconds through both nostrils, this can be practiced for about 5 minutes. With practice one can increase the counts to 4:8, or 5:10 or 6:12 seconds. << More>>
![]() Divya Tour 2009 - News in Slide Show
News & Activity Report for the Month of August 2009 - Auspicious Shravan month celebration, Sri Krishna Janmotsav and Sri Chidananda Smruti Pravachan by learned Mahatama Dr. Sri Swami Muktananda Puriji Maharaj are some of the programs to highlight during the month of August at the Ashram. << More>> Upcoming YTTC ( Dec 11, 2009 - Dec 30, 2009) - For more details, contact / # 079- 26861234 Divya Jivan (Gujarati)/ September 2009 News in Slide Show
Sadhana should be as much a part of your daily life as eating, drinking and breathing. Disharmony of thought, word and deed is the cause for all troubles, miseries and quarrels in this world. Soak your life with remembrance of Lord. Dedicate your all to Him. See Him in everyone. If any one proves to be faithless to you, be faithful to him always. If you are truthful and pure in your daily life, you will inherit the Kingdom of God. Forget and forgive. You will have peace. You, will become divine. |
Latest Additions.........
Sivananda Yoga (Yoga DVD) Diwali Prasad booklet - "Kanakdhara Stotram" ( Sanskrit/ Gujarati/ English) Divya Jivan (Gujarati)/ "Amrut Putra" (Gujarati) Atam Mahek (Gujarati) / Fragrance ( English) - Swami Adhyatmananda |
Yoga, A Way of Life - Sri Swami Adhyatmananda
"Yoga and Health" - a complete book with Question & Answer section by Sri Swami Adhyatmananda
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