January, 2009
Divya Jivan NewsletterJanuary , 2009 |
"O fortunate youth, recognize this great duty. Feel this wonderful privilege.Take up this adventure.God watches you graciously, ever ready to help and guide. I wish you to be great.The world has put its faith in you.Your elders keep their hopes in you. Now youth means to place your firm confidence in yourself and exercise your hopeful determination and resolution and willing good intentions in this beautiful task of self-culture. This will truly bring supreme satisfaction and fulfillment not only to you, but also to all concerned. The shaping of your life is indeed in your own hands......." "Practise virtue, persevere in virtue.
Become established in virtue. Shine as an embodiment of noblest
virtue and heroic adherence to goodness…..
![]() The focusing of the entire attention of the mind in one direction,
towards one goal, in one task—that is Yoga, that is sadhana, that is
abhyasa. It is the key to success. It is the guarantee
and assurance of progress and it is the solution to all problems.
And it does not come in a day. This, therefore, is the great thing desirable—to have a goal and to focus your mind and heart and soul upon it and not to pay attention to irrelevant details, not allow the mind to distract you from this total concentration towards your ideal, your principles, your way of life, your abhyasa, your goal. Therefore, be absorbed in your practice and try to develop this inner state of total attention, total focus, complete absorption, and see the results. Then you will find that there is no longer room for being frustrated or discontented. If this is not there, then your whole life will be nothing but murmuring, complaining, grumbling and dissatisfaction, because these things grow where there is a lack of this total focusing, attention and concentration. All abhyasa is for concentration. Concentration overcomes distraction, and distraction is the bane of all human beings, whether they are spiritual sadhaks or whether they are purely worldly, materialistic people. Therefore, if this focusing is made, if you become ingathered, one-pointed, integrated, then whatever is to come, it will come in due course. This is how spiritual practice should be understood and spiritual
life lived. Life is not to be subordinated or given the less
important place. In a life governed by principle, moving towards an
ideal, technique forms a part of the entire thing called Yoga and
sadhana and spiritual life. God bless you!
Is there any connection of memory with Yoga? Yes! Form a habit of sitting in Padmasana. If we sit in Siddhasana or Swastikasana, Vajrasana or simple cross-legged posture, keeping back and spinal column vertically straight, if one starts with five minutes and gradually increase practice to sit for three hours, then supply of blood to the muscles of the legs and thighs gets reduced. This reduction results in greater proportion of blood reaching stomach, heart and head. Thereby the nervous and information system of the brain get stronger. This is equally possible by deep recitation of “Omkar-Pranava”
It is an indisputable truth that the
practice of Shirshasana and Sarvangasana makes a man highly
intelligent. In both these Asanas whole body gets into an
overturned (inverted) posture, thereby with the least efforts heart
can pump blood towards the head.
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Upcoming Mauna Shibir (Spiritual Retreat) (Feb1, 2009- Feb 5, 2009) "Silence is always the most real part of your being When you are alone, you are silent. When you are alone, you are in God, and you are aware of God in you."- Swami Chidananda Come out from your busy life and enjoy being in Silence to reflect and recharge, to find inner peace and beauty of the Soul. Allow cleansing power of nature to awaken your inner SELF! for the details contact Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabada sivananda_ashram@yahoo.com or # 079-26861234 Mahashivratri Utsav - February 23, 2009
Report of "Tour to Taiwan" of H.H. Sri Swami Adhyatmanandaji Maharaj
( Nov 28, 2008 - Dec 9, 2008)
Latest Additions.........
Sivananda Yoga (Yoga DVD) Diwali Prasad booklet - "Kanakdhara Stotram" ( Sanskrit/ Gujarati/ English) Divya Jivan (Gujarati)/ Aug-Sept 2018 / August -September 2017 (Special Issue) Atam Mahek (Gujarati) / Fragrance ( English) - Swami Adhyatmananda Vishnusahsranama - with meaning |
Yoga, A Way of Life - Sri Swami Adhyatmananda
"Yoga and Health" - a complete book with Question & Answer section by Sri Swami Adhyatmananda
Books on Yoga by Swami Adhyatmananda
"Amrut Putra" (Gujarati)
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