Divya Jivan Newsletter
Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad
May 2019
OM Namo Bhagawate Sivanandaya!
OM Namo Bhagawate Chidanandaya!
OM Namo Narayanaya!
The Power of " Satsanga" - Swami Sivananda
Meaning of Satsanga
The word ‘Satsanga’ is the combination of the two words ‘Sat’
and ‘Sanga.’ ‘Sat’ means existence absolute, which is Brahman.
‘Sat’ is the essential nature of Brahman which is permanent in
things that change, which is the only reality that upholds the
world of appearance. The same ‘Sat,’ with the accidental
attributes of omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence is
called Isvara or Paramatman. In brief, ‘Sat’ refers to Isvara as
well as Brahman, both ultimately being the one and the same
reality. ‘Sanga’ literally means company or union. To be always
in the company of the Lord, or to be established in Brahman, is
the literal meaning of the word ‘Satsanga.’ But, as long as
ignorance or Avidya remains, the direct realization of Brahman
is impossible. When ignorance is destroyed by wisdom, the real
nature reveals itself. This is the highest Satsanga.
The glow and power of Satsanga, association with the wise,
saints, Yogis, Sannyasins and Mahatmas is indescribable. Even a
moment’s company is quite sufficient to overhaul the old vicious
Samskaras of the worldly people. The magnetic aura, the
spiritual vibration, and the powerful currents of developed
adepts produce a tremendous influence on the minds of worldlings.
Service of Mahatmas purifies the minds of passionate men very
rapidly. Satsanga elevates the mind to magnanimous heights. Just
as a single matchstick burns huge bundles of cotton in a few
seconds, so also, the company of saints burns all thoughts and
Samskaras of passion within a short time. The only potent
specific for inducing burning Vairagya and burning desire for
liberation is Satsanga and Satsanga alone.- Swami Sivananda
Read More>>
Early Morning Meditation Talk from "Ponder These
Truths" of Swami Chidananada
Immanence of God
" It is that immanence is key to divinity. Awareness of
God’s presence within and without, in all beings, in all creatures, in
all nature becomes the key, the secret of living in the awareness of the
Yoga of the eleventh chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, the Yoga of the first
verse of the Isopanishad."
" Be aware, be aware of God, aware of your relationship to Him, and make
your life sublime and divine and attain the supreme, grand goal of all
spiritual aspiration, of all spiritual life, of all spiritual sadhana,
of all spiritual living, the grand goal of God-consciousness and divine
perfection and liberation."- Swami Chidananda
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"Amrut Mahotsav" (celebrating 75th
Birth Anniversary) of H. H. Swami
Adhyatmanandaji's Maharaj ( May 3, 2019 onward.......
We start with listening to the
Blessings of Guru Maharaj Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj for HIS Adhyatm
(audio Clips)..................
What could be a better time than now to cherish those blessed moments!
"Blessed Immortal Atman! Beloved children of the divine! I am extremely
happy and rejoice immensely to give this few words as a forward to this
beautiful recording of the chanting of the Divine name, select few
kirtans and bhajans and also certain important Sanskrit verses suitable
for repeated daily as a part of your daily prayers and daily worship.
This chants, sankirtan as well as Sanskrit slokas have been recorded by
Sri Swami Adhytmananda Saraswati belonging to the monastic order of
beloved and worshipful Gurumaharaj Sri Swami Sivanandaji Sarashwati,
Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh, Headquarters of Divine Life Society."
"Swami Adhyatmanandaji is a great devotee of Shree Swami Sivanandaji
Maharaj and also very enthusiastic pracharak and propagator of Gurudev's
Divine Life message yoga Vedanta and spiritual life and sadhana. And
also especially in training people in ancient psychophysical science of
Hatha yoga. He is expecting teaching asanas, Pranayama, Surya Namaskar,
Relaxation techniques and Kriyas. And he is very much in demand
throughout India in all the branches of Divine Life Society where he is
called to conduct courses on yoga and also Spiritual Retreats and to
give talks on Bhagavad Gita, Spiritual life in general and Sadhana in
particular".........." Swami Adhyatmanandaji has dedicated
his entire life for this cause of spreading the Gurudev mission
throughout India and maybe also abroad if, the time comes and Gurudev so
wills '....... 'Hari OM Tatsat! God Bless you, all" - Swami Chidananda
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How true are those Words!
Spreading the message of Holy Master Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj and
to live by it is the constant preoccupation of Sri. Swami
Adhyatmanandaji Maharaj. His Life and each breath have been dedicated to
spreading the ancient wisdom of Yoga and Vedanta through simple and
practical teachings of Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj and
Gurumaharaj Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj. Wherever he went, he talked
about the simple message of Holy Master Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj-
“Serve, Love, Meditate & Realize” and guidelines of daily Sadhana
through Gurudev’s “Twenty Spiritual Instructions”. Devotees welcomed him
here in the west for his simplicity, sincerity, and love for teaching
Yoga way of life.
Pujya Swamiji carries a spark of love, light & joy. He kindles and
inspires people, whoever come in contact with HIM. HIS Divine satsang
and Yoga teaching has brought joy, peace & bliss to countless spiritual
aspirants and yoga enthusiasts in the West, India and over the Globe.
People ask Pujya Swamiji the secret of His ever Vibrant, Radiant &
Joyful nature? "Abide In The SELF", He says………." In all condition, I am
Bliss, Bliss, Bliss Absolute"……Adopt, Adjust & Accommodate" ……"Bear
insult and Bear Injury, that is the highest Sadhana" ........each
breath of His is in the remembrance of GOD and in the service of His
Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Mahahraj & Guru Bhagavan Sri Swami
Chidanandaji Maharaj. Their ever flowing Grace is the force behind
It is always a joy for the devotees here in the West to receive Pujya
Swami Adhyatmanandaji Maharaj's satsang and blessings all these years.
Summer comes and devotees in the West start inquiring about Pujya
Swamiji's visit and His satsang programs. In fact, their love pulls Sri
Swamiji from HIS busy programs schedule in India and bring HIM amongst
their midst here in the West Year after Year. For the past 25 years,
Adhyatma Tours to the West (USA, Canada & UK ) have unfolded as per the
WILL of God Gurudev.
Here we bring you just the glimpses of the
core feelings of love & gratitude
expressed by devotees, organizers, hosts, yoga attendees, the press
reporters, sick and ailing and more... in so many different words. It is
overwhelming and what could be the better time than now to share them
with all while we are celebrating Pujya Swamiji's Amrut Mahotsav!
"With the Grace of Divine, we got the opportunity to host Pujya Swamiji
on His first visit to the USA and thereafter for the past twenty-five
years we are fortunate to receive HIS satsang and Blessings in
abundance. The peculiar joy that we experience in HIS presence is
inexplicable and difficult to describe. The mere presence of His lifts
us in a different plane of spirituality and enlightenment that lingers
on. We feel being bathed in love and purity. We are touched by His
radiating divinity and the multifaceted magnetic personality. How could
you describe Ifinite with the finite words! We feel that Unmanifest has
found an able instrument in Him to manifest His Grace &
Divinity"......... "Being with Him in close proximity during
coordinating the Adhyatma Tours all these years, you observe how
immeasurable devotion Pujya Swamiji has for His Gurudev! At every
moment, whether He is thinking, talking, delivering discourses, eating,
you observe that Guru Smarana is unbroken. HE is breathing and living
for Gurudev. You feel that as if SIVA is working through HIM. Then, you
start seeing GURU's presence in your life at each step of the way and HE
assumes different forms for you. It is such a wonderful experience! Then
a little i melts away and sevak Bhav merges from within.
It is all Guru's Grace. Jai Sivananda! Jai Chidananda! Jai Adhyatmananda!"
- Minal & Bharat Naik
"We have been and continued to be blessed by His presence in our life
and His teachings. Wherever Swami-Ji goes, Love is there. Peace is
there. Joy is there. God is there. We are better people as a result of
His sharing of the Light."- Sharon Alitt (Founder of Kula kamal Yoga
school, PA )
"Detroit, Michigan Community Benefited from Swami Ji’s Guidance on
Yoga, Scriptures, and “Art of Saatvik Living”. We all feel very
blessed with Swami Ji’s presences & guidance, and look forward to many
more such opportunities." - Anil Lal, (President of DJSS, USA)
"It is always a joy to receive Sri Swami Adhyatmananda ji Maharaj at
Anoopam Mission. To see Him and Revered Sahebdada is to see conflations
of holy rivers Ganga and Yamuna. We have never felt that he comes from a
different organization. He is very much " Anoopam". We wish for his
visits to AMUK, again and again, to inspire us Sadhus' and devotees to
live and lead the pious life to the very core." - Himmat Swami (UK)
"We are fortunate and grateful to have Swamiji in our midst to
"recharge" our mind/body/spirit and look forward to his next visit." -
Sri Rajesh Laugani, Toledo (OH)
"Sri Swamiji's ecstatic kirtan at the Bhajan satsang was indeed a
blessed experience for all. It was the best time for devotees of Indian
Hindu Welfare organization (IHWO) of Northampton (UK ). Everyone is very
happy and keen to invite him to his earliest with much longer stay" -
Sri Guarang Patel (UK)
"At Sanatan Shiv Shakti Mandir (Houston) H. H. Swamiji addressed the
devotees on the subject of the sixteenth chapter of Srimad Bhagwad Gita
- "Divine & Demonic Natures". It was a nectar outpouring by Pujya
Swamiji. It was indeed a blessed experience for all" - Sri Dhaval
"To a question on spiritualization of professional life, Swamiji said
anything you do think of God. Anything you do eating, drinking or
walking, you do whatever you are doing. at the same time keep your mind
in Him only, 100% awareness of His existence. Your profession turns into
spiritual."- Ravi Ponanagi ( PR, India Tribune, Atlanta)
"Swamiji had made sure that his visit includes my dad in a nursing home,
who has been in recovery from his cancer treatment. My Dad was bedridden
for quite some time but Pujya Swamiji's prayers and HIS healing
blessings brought him to come to Mandir for satsang with us, Amazing!
heart touching for our family! I was impressed by Swamiji's punctuality
and commitment about his time and event. We were blessed to have him." -Nartan
Shah (San Jose, CA)
"Our time with Swamiji during his visit this year was full of blessings,
so many it is impossible to count. Everyone at Kula Kamala Yoga Ashram
was overjoyed by their time with Swamiji and hold His powerful words and
His Presence in their heart. Swamiji’s presence is especially meaningful
to Sudha and Ed, as Ed continues his healing journey. Swamiji conducted
home and rituals and provided guidance for Ed and Sudha on their
continued path of health, service, spirituality, and life. We are all
deeply grateful for Swamiji’s teachings and His presence in our lives.
We are already looking forward to His next visit! - Sudha , Sharon Alitt.
(Reading, PA)
"Swamiji has truly attuned Happiness at our newly started Happiness yoga
Center. Moments spent with H. H. Swamiji are most precious and
invaluable to us." - Shaishav & Sunita (Founder of Happiness Yoga
"Pujya Swamiji is the embodiment of the teachings of Holy Master Sri
Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. He is a tireless karma yogi who utilizes
every second of his day in rendering the highest service to Mankind." -
Hari Ragwacharlu (Milwaukee, WI)
“Swamiji, as he is respectfully known, is an ordinary man who has
mastered extraordinary skills and discipline. He moves around the world
with the greatest of ease, more like a young butterfly than a
65-year-old man. He is kind, generous and extremely articulate and has a
good sense of humor. I spent an hour talking with him and his special
graces made my day much more worth living. It’s true when they say words
cannot describe him.” – Celeste Regal, reporter of <<
Observer (New
"There's so much wisdom behind what he says, and yet it is so simple",
Smith said. "His teaching applies to all, regardless of religion or walk
of life. He's very humble. He speaks to the person." "Swami shares
peaceful philosophy with Utahn ", interview by Jason Bergreen of
Lake Tribune", a leading newspaper of Salt Lake City.
"Swami Adhyatmanandaji is known for making Hinduism practical and
relevant to modern life. A holy man credited with bringing about a
spiritual awakening through his teachings, he has helped young people
caught up in drug addiction as well as business leaders seeking greater
meaning in their work." - Toledo Blade (Newspaper)
"It was indeed a joy to be a part of the most memorable event of Jalaram
Mandir Pranpratishta Mahotsav. That day, Pujya Swami Adhyatmanandaji
Maharaj ignited a special spark and created a big momentum with HIS holy
presence & Kirtan. It reminded us of the ecstatic site (that is read in
the book) of Kirtan by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu !" - sevak
Bend it Like Swami Adhyatmananda" - by Ravi Ponanagi, a
journalist, India Tribune (Atlanta)
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Learning of
"Jeevan Yoga
Series " from a Yogacharya Swami Adhyatmananda
Through TV episodes of "Jeevan Yoga" Series by Doordarshan Girnar
Prana - "The true meaning of Prana is not only breath. The Prana
is energy. It is universal power, brightness, light
andintelligence. All these cosmic energies are named as
Prana."Yatkinchit Jagat Sarvam Drishyate Shruyatepiva..This
Prana is filled in all that we see and hear, the inside and
outside of all things, all movement etc. in this world. The Prana is the source of all capabilities and the power in the
universe. Prana is the only power behind the normal functioning
of the system of respiration (inhalation and exhalation), blood
circulation, digestion, excretion of urine and stool, system
producing semen, structure of our bones and also the nervous
system.The working abilities of sensory organs and motor organs
improve as each cell gets extra nutrition. The secret of beauty
of skin, shining of the face, brightness of the eyes,
intelligence power and development of mental power is the result
of the practice of Pranayama. The practice of Pranayama means
oneness with cosmic energy. Pranayama Sadhana opens the doors of
subtle life from the gross life "- Swami Adhyatmananda
Highlighting the News and upcoming events
Maa Sri Ashtlaksmi - Adipeeth
Navchandi Yajana / Utsav Ganga and Satsang with Mahatmas (April
28, 2019 - May 3, 2019 )
Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad invites you to join with us in Divya Jivan
Sanskrutik Sangh Annual Meeting on April 28, 2019, Navchandi Yajana on
sacred occasion of Sri Maa Asthalaxmi Patotsav on April 29, 2019 .
Let us be a part of "Aayush Homam" & Satsang with
Mahatmas on the momentous occasion of "Amrut Mahotsav"
(celebrating 75th) of H. H. Sri Swami Adhyatmanandaji Maharaj from
May 3, 2019, onward....... We pray to the Almighty Lord, Gurudev
Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj and Gurumaharaj Sri Swami
Chidanandaji Maharaj for Pujya Swamiji’s good health and long
life so that He could be a guiding light to spiritual aspirants
all over. Pujya Swamiji is the embodiment of the teachings of
Holy Master Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. He is a tireless
karma yogi who utilizes every second of His day in rendering the
highest service to Mankind.
Plan ahead to join the Ashram devotees group for Srimad
Bhagawat Katha at Haridwar (Oct 31, 2019 to Nov 6, 2019) by H. H. Sri
Swami Adhyatmanandaji Maharaj on Vyasapeeth.
Upcoming Yoga Teachers Training Course (43 YTTC)
is organized from May 11, 2019 - May 30, 2019 : You can still
enroll. More details available on webpage -
SIVA Yoga Center
form /
Stay at the Ashram/
Guest Info page
News & Activity Report for
the Month of April 2019
Divya Jivan /
April 2019
Q & A on Spiritual Life and Sadhana from “May I Answer That?”- by Holy
Master Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj.
What is the difference between Bhakti and Jnana?
Bhakti is devotion. It is a means to the end which is attainment
of Jnana. People of emotional temperament are fit for this path.
It demands self-surrender or Atma-nivedan. It is the cat-Yoga.
The kitten cries aloud and the mother cat runs at once to catch
it by the mouth. So also, the devotee cries aloud like Draupadi
and Gajendra and the Lord Krishna runs immediately to rescue him
and shower His grace. The Bhakti Marga demands only sincere,
intense devotion, blind faith and strong conviction as Prahlad
had. There is no necessity for learning. Illiterate people like
Tukaram who could not sign even their names had realized God.
There is no need for vast learning or study. A Bhakta wants to
eat sugar-candy. He wants to sit by the side of the Lord.
Jnana is the Yoga of self-expansion. It demands self-reliance.
Only people of an intellectual temperament with Vichara Sakti or
the power of discrimination and ratiocination are fit for the
path of Jnana or knowledge. It is the monkey-Yoga. The young
monkey does not cry, but itself clings tenaciously to the body
of its mother wherever the mother runs. This Yoga demands a vast
study of Vedantic literature, a sharp intellect, bold
understanding, gigantic will and courage. A Jnani wants to
become an embodiment of sugar-candy, instead of tasting
sugar-candy. A Jnani wants to become identical with the
Existence (Eka Aikyam).
Adi-Sankaracharya Jayanti
(May 9, 2019)