Newsletter March 2015

Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad 

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Divya Jivan Newsletter
Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad
March 2015
OM Namo Bhagawate Sivanandaya!
OM Namo Bhagawate Chidanandaya!
OM Namo Narayanaya!
"The Transcendental Divinity  That Is Lord Rama"- Swami Sivananda
Sri Ramnavami ( March 28, 2015)

"The Name of Lord Rama is the greatest purifier of the heart. It wipes away all one's sins. Not only this, but it wipes away the sinful tendencies as well. The Name is sweeter than the sweetest of objects. It is the haven of peace. It is the very life of pure souls. It is the purifier of all purifying agencies. It quenches the consuming fire of worldly desires. It awakens the knowledge of God. It bathes the aspirant in the, ocean of divine bliss. Glory to Sri Rama and His Name!.......

None but the righteous can be truly happy. None but he who has the correct sense of duty and the will for its implementation can be said to live worthily. One must be imbued with a definite conviction about the supremacy of moral principles, ethical values and spiritual ideals. These ought to guide one's day-to-day actions and serve as powerful means for the culture of the human personality. That is the purpose of life. That is the way to Self-realisation. That is the message and the mission of Lord Rama's Life on earth......- Swami  Sivananda << More>>

Chidananda Darshan - through Life incidence of Guru Maharaj
Birth Centenary Celebration of Guru Bhagawan Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj at Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad.
"Be a part of Celebrations and Be benefited "

Rendering The First Hand Service
Swamiji never missed any occasion of helping the poor and the sick in course of his Parivrajaka life. Near Tirukoilur, while traveling in a bus he saw an old lady who was destitute and blind. He immediately got down from the bus and enquired about her
difficulties. He approached a Roman Catholic Priest and some Policemen and ensured for the poor woman the necessary help before leaving the place. While he was thus engaged in acts of service it would have been difficult for one to think that he was a Parivrajaka Swami from the Himalayas. Such acts of compassion have been one of the most dazzling hallmarks of his personality. Whether he was in the New World of America or engaged in the duties of Sivanandashram or in the far south moving incognito as a lonely pilgrim, he never ignored an opportunity of serving God in the poor and the sick.

Ram-Nam Year
The deep regard of Swamiji for Gandhiji is brought out from the following lines which he declared on the occasion of the Gandhi centenary celebrations in 1969: "It is a blessed year marking the centenary of this truly great soul's advent upon earth. To me this Gandhiyear really signifies a Ram-Nam year as well as a year of truth-speaking, promise-keeping,self-searching, fasting and praying and selfless serving. To me all these mean Gandhiji."

Yoga Learning from a book "Yoga, A way of life" by Sri Swami Adhyatmananda

Primary & Main Yogasana (Yoga Postures)
The Physical techniques of Yoga are the stepping stones to meditation. According to Patanjali, Yoga is the cessation of the modifications of the mind.
 In the beginning the primary prerequisite to peace of mind is posture. Yogasana practiced to gain steady posture, health and lightness in the body. All Yoga postures are intended to directly or indirectly quiet the mind. The majority of Asana have been devised to build up different parts of the body and to develop the strength required by the more advanced  Physical disciplines. The purpose of the yogasana is to recondition the system, both mind and body, and to develop the nervous and glandular systems. The different Yoga postures have been devised to bring a rich supply of blood to the brain and to the various parts of the spinal column. The yogasana work by stretching, bending and twisting the spinal column in different directions to promote the health of the nerves. When the body is purified, Prana (vital energy) can be conserved and the individual becomes healthy and conscious. << More>>
Highlighting News & upcoming Events

"Rama Nama burns ignorance, passion and sin. With knowledge or without knowledge, correctly or incorrectly, when the word "Rama" is pronounced, it showers a rain of good on the devotee. Sri Rama Brahma Tarakam: Sri Rama is Brahman who takes one across Samsara. Rama is one in whom yogins sport (Ramante) i.e., the Self within. Once you take refuge in Him, your welfare becomes His responsibility."- Swami Sivananda

Join with us Chitra Navaratri Sadhana week & culmination with Ram Janmotsav on March 28, 2015

News & Activity Report for the month of January 2015
Divya Jivan / January 2015/ March 2015


The man attains peace, who, abandoning all desires, moves about without longing, without the sense of mine and without egoism. (2:71)

He who is ever happy within, who rejoices within, who is illumined within, such a Yogi attains absolute freedom or Moksha, himself becoming Brahman.(5:24)

The sages obtain absolute freedom or Moksha—they whose sins have been destroyed, whose dualities (perception of dualities or experience of the pairs of opposites) are torn asunder, who are self-controlled, and intent on the welfare of all beings. (5:25)

Those who strive for liberation from old age and death, taking refuge in Me, realise in full that Brahman, the whole knowledge of the Self and all action. (7:29)

 Significance of Holi (March 6, 2015)

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Latest Additions.........

Sivananda Yoga (Yoga DVD)

Diwali Prasad booklet - "Kanakdhara Stotram" ( Sanskrit/ Gujarati/ English)

Divya Jivan (Gujarati)/ "Amrut Putra" (Gujarati)

Atam Mahek (Gujarati) / Fragrance ( English) - Swami Adhyatmananda

Yoga, A Way of Life - Sri Swami Adhyatmananda


"Yoga and Health" - a complete book with Question & Answer section by Sri Swami Adhyatmananda  


 Books on Yoga by  Swami Adhyatmananda

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