NEWSLETTER -  July 2013
Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad

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Divya Jivan Newsletter
Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad
July 2013
OM Namo Bhagawate  Sivanandaya !
OM Namo Bhagawate  Chidanandaya !
OM Namo Narayanaya!

On the subject of  "Guru Mahima" on auspicious Gurupaurnima ( July 22, 2013)

"The Sadguru is Brahman Himself. He is an ocean of bliss, knowledge, and mercy. He is the captain of your soul. He is the fountain of joy. He removes all your troubles, sorrows, and obstacles. He shows you the right divine path."

"Guru is God. A word from him is a word from God. He need not-teach anything. Even his presence or company is elevating, inspiring, and stirring, His very company is self-illumination. Living in his company is spiritual education."

"Guru is the Moksha-dvara (door to liberation). He is the gateway to the transcendental Truth-Consciousness. But, it is the aspirant who has to enter through it. The, Guru is a help, but the actual task of practical Sadhana (spiritual practice) falls on the aspirant himself."

" Worship the Guru with the flowers of faith and devotion. Satsanga with the Guru is the first pillar in the temple of Self-realisation.Grace of God takes the form of Guru. To see the Guru is to see God. Blind is the man who has not seen the divine Master. There is but one religion, the religion of devotion and love to Guru."  -  Swami Sivananda << More>> 

Guru Drashan ( video clip)
Guru is His Teaching by Swami Chidananda


"By the light of the sun, the whole world awakens.  By the light of the sun, darkness is banished, slumber gives place to wakefulness and sloth gives place to activity.  By the light of the sun, all beings in this world see things, perceive things clearly....

Thus the sun is the awakener; the sun is the enlightener; the sun is the marga darsaka (one who shows the path).  It is the sun that guarantees smooth, unhampered progress towards each one’s destination. When the sun is not there, one is, as it were, blind, even though having eyes. 

In the life of a sincere seeking soul, in the life of jijnasu, a mumukshu, a sadhaka, a spiritual aspirant, the Guru is as it were, the Sun" - Swami Chidananda <<More>>



"Glory to Guru"  by Swami Adhyatmananda

"Gurupurnima is the day for worshipping the GURU. The Guru is a Master, but He never makes His disciple a slave. Entire mission of Guru is to turn His disciple into none else but great Guru only. The Guru says “AHAM BRAHMASMI”, I’m Brahman. But never the less “TAT TWAM ASI” you are that only. This purnima is a full moon day. When there is no hindrance between sun and moon, this moon shines in its full bloom likewise when disciple totally surrenders to His Guru, he too shines with Brahma Vidya. Brahma Vidya is knowledge of Absolute. Brahma Vidya is the highest knowledge after knowing that nothing remains to be known. It is the grace of Guru upon his beloved disciple that after having received Brahma Vidya, disciple has not to strive for any more gain. He becomes full; he becomes contented, he rejoices supreme BLISS. He dives deep in the eternity and divinity."

A Guru is necessary. Never finds fault in Guru, any action by Guru will have a purpose in that; there is a meaning in that. Accept His command, follow His instruction, just be humble, feel his hardship and serve Him whole heartedly."- Swami Adhyatmananda   << More> >


Yoga Learning from a book, " Yoga, a way of Life " by Swami Adhyatmananda

Prana - "The true meaning of Prana is not only breath. The Prana is energy. It is universal power, brightness, light and intelligence. All these cosmic energies are named as Prana."Yatkinchit Jagat Sarvam Drishyate Shruyatepiva..This Prana is filled in all that we see and hear, the inside and outside of all things, all movement etc. in this world.

The Prana is the source of all capabilities and the power in the universe. Prana is the only power behind the normal functioning of the system of respiration (inhalation and exhalation), blood circulation, digestion, excretion of urine and stool, system producing semen, structure of our bones and also the nervous system.The working abilities of sensory organs and motor organs improve as each cell  gets extra nutrition. The secret of beauty of skin, shining of the face, brightness of the eyes, intelligence power and development of mental power is the result of the practice of Pranayama. The practice of Pranayama means oneness with cosmic energy. Pranayama Sadhana opens the doors of subtle life from the gross life "-  Swami Adhyatmananda. <<More>>  

Highlighting the News

News & Activity Report for the Month of  June 2013

  Divya Jivan / July - August  2013


 Know that by long prostration, by question and by service, the wise who have realised the Truth will instruct thee in (that) knowledge.(4:34)

Knowing that, thou shalt not, O Arjuna, again become deluded like this; and by that thou shalt see all beings in thy Self and also in Me!(4:35)

 Humility, unpretentiousness, non-injury, forgiveness, uprightness, service of the teacher, purity, steadfastness, self-control(13:7)

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Sivananda Yoga (Yoga DVD)

Diwali Prasad booklet - "Kanakdhara Stotram" ( Sanskrit/ Gujarati/ English)

Divya Jivan (Gujarati)/ Aug-Sept 2018 /  August -September 2017 (Special Issue)

Atam Mahek (Gujarati) / Fragrance ( English) - Swami Adhyatmananda

Vishnusahsranama - with meaning

Yoga, A Way of Life - Sri Swami Adhyatmananda


"Yoga and Health" - a complete book with Question & Answer section by Sri Swami Adhyatmananda  


 Books on Yoga by  Swami Adhyatmananda


"Amrut Putra" (Gujarati)



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