NEWSLETTER - January 2016
Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad

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Divya Jivan Newsletter
Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad
January 2016
OM Namo Bhagawate Sivanandaya!
OM Namo Bhagawate Chidanandaya!
OM Namo Narayanaya!
New Year Message by Swami Sivananda

"On this glorious New Year’s day make a strong resolve to wipe away all the old worldly Vasanas or tendencies and bad impressions and to control the senses and the mind.Know the value of time. Time is most precious.

Utilize every second profitably. Live every moment of your life for the realisation of your ideal and goal. Do not procrastinate. That "tomorrow" will never come. Now or never. Abandon idle gossiping. Kill egoism, laziness and inertia. Forget the past. A glorious and brilliant future is awaiting you.

Equal vision is the touchstone of knowledge. Unselfishness is the touchstone of virtue. Brahmacharya is the touchstone of ethics. Oneness is the touchstone of Self-realisation. Humility is the touchstone of devotion. Therefore, be unselfish, humble and pure. Develop equal vision. Be in tune with the Infinite ". -Swami Sivananda << More>>

Chidananda Darshan - through Life incidence of Guru Maharaj
Birth Centenary Celebration of Guru Bhagawan Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj (Sept 24, 2015 -Sept 24, 2016)

"Spiritual Leaders Meet"
Mr. Pinardes was keen to arrange a meeting between Swamiji and the Pope. It was through his efforts that Pope Paul VI and Swamiji Maharaj met in a semi-private audience on the 19th February, 1969. The Pope was so much filled with love at the very sight of this Indian saint that throwing to the winds the usual Vatican formalities he caught hold of the hands of Swamiji and kept them in his hands for a long time, exchanging words of courtesy with great feeling. He greeted Swamiji in the Indian style and Swamiji responded by greeting the Pope in Western fashion by kneeling down in the name of Gurudev Sivananda.

The moment the Pope heard the name of Sivananda he lovingly muttered, "I have heard of your Master's noble spiritual work. I appreciate very much your holy Master's spiritual work." Swamiji presented to the Pope Gurudev's work Bliss Divine as a token of love and regard. The Pope accepted the offering with immense joy and promised that he would read it with interest. During their talk he repeatedly exclaimed, "I love India. I love India," and said at one stage, "India is a wonderful place. I look forward to visiting India once again".


Greeting New Year 2016

Radiant Immortal Divinities,

Happy New Year !  May Year 2016 bring you all happiness,peace and prosperity. May Good God and Gurudev grant you all His Divine Love, Illumination and Spiritual Supreme Blessedness.
Rejoice in the Lord.  Serve Him at all times in every living being. Love all. Hate none. Hurt none. Be kind, Be Considerate and Abide in unfading beauty of the Self.
May Glory be to You All, May Peace be to You All,  May Bliss be to You All,

With Ocean Deep Regards, Profound Love and Prayers for All the Best.

 In the Service of Humanity,  Swami Adhyatmananda


Yoga Learning from a "Yoga Guru" - Swami Adhyatmananda

Can those having High Blood Pressure practice Asanas? 

"Yes, they can practice Asanas; in fact they must surely practice them. All the Asanas excepting Shirsasana can be practiced. All the Asanas can be performed without any fear. But the special Asanas and Pranayama that can offer benefits are; Shashankasana, Shavasana and Pranayama carried out with ease

<< More >>>  from a book "Yoga & Health" by Swami  Adhyatmananda 

Highlighting the News & Upcoming events
Chidananda Birth Centenary Celebrations continues .....................

Updating the progress Chidananda Memorial Yoga Bhawan;  It is a joy indeed to share with you all that foundation stone is laid by Pujya Swami Adhyatmanandaji Maharaj after special Havan performed on Ninth day of Navaratri (October 22, 2015) and construction of Sri Chidananda Yoga Bhavan has began as per the floor plan. Working committee at the ashram thanks to all for the generous donation and seeking continued support for this Divine project .

Sivananda Yoga DVD  : Sri Chidananda Birth Centenary Yoga DVD is a creation of Divya Jivan Sanskrutik Sangh to commemorate Birth Centenary celebration of Guru Maharaj Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj. It is a complete guide for  the beginners as well as experts. It contains 84 Yoga postures. It is like Yoga Teachers comes to your home.

Yoga, A way of Life ( DVD's, set of two ) A complete guide to Flexibilities exercises, Yoga Postures, Pranayam & Meditation compiled & directed by renowned teacher H. H. Sri Swami Adhyatmanandaji. Swamiji leads Flexibility exercises and gives an in-depth study of Primary Series of postures for students of all ages and fitness level. Demonstration of Yoga Postures are accompanied by clear explanations of alignment and form which is a helpful tool for Yoga learning. You will find simple and systemic teaching of breathing exercises (Pranayamas), Yoganidra (Savasana) & Meditation technique.

 For purchase of Yoga DVD-contact Ashram  # 079-2686234 or

News & Activity Report for the month of December 2015
Divya Jivan / December 2015

Perform action, O Arjuna, being steadfast in Yoga, abandoning attachment and balanced in success and failure! Evenness of mind is called Yoga.(2:48)


Endowed with wisdom (evenness of mind), one casts off in this life both good and evil deeds; therefore, devote thyself to Yoga; Yoga is skill in action.(2:50)

He who is ever happy within, who rejoices within, who is illumined within, such a Yogi attains absolute freedom or Moksha, himself becoming Brahman.(5:24)

Vivekananda Jayanti ( Jan 12, 2015)

Guru Devarpanmastu!

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Regular Activities and Services at the Holy Sivananda Ashram

Latest Additions.........


Sivananda Yoga (Yoga DVD)

Diwali Prasad booklet - "Kanakdhara Stotram" ( Sanskrit/ Gujarati/ English)

 Birth Centenary Celebration of Guru Bhagawan Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj

Atam Mahek (Gujarati) / Fragrance ( English) - Swami Adhyatmananda

Vishnusahsranama - with meaning

"Amrut Mahotsav Celebration Year"  (May 3, 2019 - May 3, 2020) of H.H. Sri Swami Adhyatmanandaji


Yoga, A Way of Life - Sri Swami Adhyatmananda


"Yoga and Health" - a complete book with Question & Answer section by Sri Swami Adhyatmananda  


 Books on Yoga by  Swami Adhyatmananda


"Amrut Putra" (Gujarati)



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