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Biography of Sri
Adi-Sankaracharya -
Swami Sivananda
on the occasion of Sri Sankaracharya Jayanti ( May 8,
2011) |
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am the Self of all; I am the all; I am transcendent; I am one
without a second; I am the Absolute; I am the infinite
Consciousness; I am homogeneous bliss” - Sri Adisankaracharya
This is the assertion of Shankara, India’s greatest
philosopher-saint, the incarnation of Lord Shiva, reverently
known as Srimath Adi Shankaracharya. What can we take him for
except the Lord Himself, who proclaims authoritatively and
Sankara is the foremost among the master-minds and the giant
souls which Mother India has produced. He was the expounder of
the Advaita philosophy. Sankara was a giant metaphysician, a
practical philosopher, an infallible logician, a dynamic
personality and a stupendous moral and spiritual force. His
grasping and elucidating powers knew no bounds. He was a fully
developed Yogi, Jnani and Bhakta. He was a Karma Yogin of no
mean order. He was a powerful magnet. - Swami Sivananda "
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Nirvana Shatkam - Audio-Clip
Early Morning Meditation Talks from
Ponder These Truths by Sri Swami Chidananda |
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Key to happiness
The key is inside. It is a state of mind that we diligently create
within us that ultimately has the effect of creating happiness or
misery for us. Therefore, mind alone is the cause of bondage and
liberation. Mind is the cause of pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow.
Whatever it is, mana eva karanam manushyanam—for human beings, mind
itself is the main cause. And in the higher metaphysical sense,
Vedanta says: “manahkalpitam jagat—this world is created by your
Swami Chidananda
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Yoga Learning through a Book "Yoga, A
Way of Life" by Swami Adhyatmananda
Prana - "The true meaning of
Prana is not only breath. The Prana is energy. It is
universal power, brightness, intelligence
in this world. All these cosmic energies are
named as light and Prana."Yatkinchit Jagat Sarvam
Drishyate Shruyatepiva..This Prana is filled in all that
we see and hear, the inside and outside of all things, all movement
etc. .
The Prana is the source of all capabilities and the power in the
universe. Prana is the only power behind the normal
functioning of the system of respiration (inhalation and
exhalation), blood circulation, digestion, excretion of urine and
stool, system producing semen, structure of our bones and also the
nervous system.The working abilities of sensory organs and motor
organs improve as each cell gets extra nutrition. The secret of
beauty of skin, shining of the face, brightness of the eyes,
intelligence power and development of mental power is the result of
the practice of Pranayama. The practice of Pranayama means oneness
with cosmic energy. Pranayama Sadhana opens the doors of subtle life
from the gross life "- Swami Adhyatmananda.
YTTC ( May 11, 2011 - May 30, 2011) You can still enroll.
Enhance your skill
in Yoga, be a teacher and spread the knowledge to others. You
can accomplish all that by joining YTTC at Sivananda Ashram,
Ahmedabad. It is organized under the guidance & leadership of
H. H. Sri Swami Adhyartmanandaji, Ashram's holy atmosphere is
ideal for enhancing your spiritual growth as well as the skill
in the field of science of Yoga.
You can still enroll. Please contact the ashram for the details
sivananda_ashram@yahoo.com / call # 079 26861234.
Registration form
10 th
Anniversary of Sri Ashtalaxmi Bhavan &
Sri Chidananda Dhyana Mandir and 67th Pragtyotsav (Birthday) of
Pujya Sri Adhyatmanandaji Maharaj (May 3, 2011)
Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad invites you to
join with us in a week of religious festivity including Navchandi
Yajana, satsang with Mahatmas, and "Aayush Homam" on happy
occasion of 67th Birthday Celebration of Pujya Sri Swami
Adhyatmanandaji Maharaj on May 3, 2011
We pray to the Almighty Lord, Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji
Maharaj and Gurumaharaj Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj for Pujya
Swamiji’s good health and long life so that He could be a guiding
force to seekers all over in the path of Yoga way of Living .
on Yoga - by Sri Swami Adhyatmananda
& Activity Report for the Month of April 2011
Jivan Gujarati /
March 2011
- Be full of Joy always. Joy is the
best blood tonic. Joy saves. Joy cures. Joy elevates.
Joy is your essential nature.
- Make life a perpetual joy. Derive
joy from Satya. Derive joy from Tapas. Derive joy from
Daya. Derive joy from Dana.
- Give Joy to any living being. You
give service and worship to the Lord.
- Soar high always in the realms of
divine pursuit and higher spiritual knowledge and
realise the Lord of life, love and joy.
- Within you is the
fountain of Joy and Happiness. Practice; feel;
assert; enjoy the supreme.