Divya Jivan Newsletter
Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad
August 2019
OM Namo Bhagawate Sivanandaya!
OM Namo Bhagawate Chidanandaya!
OM Namo Narayanaya!
Glories of Lord Sri Krishna - Divine Incarnation
On auspicious Janmashtami (August 24, 2019)
Sri Krishna is the immortal manifestation of God in all His
splendor, that man was ever given the fortune to behold. Man!
Blessed thou art, that hast visualized with thy fleshly eyes the
mighty Dignity of the Supreme Sovereign of the Universe! Thou art
purified; thy birthright is to realise Him; thy fortune is a part of
His Greatness! Sri Krishna may be called the "Collective Man", who
represented all beings hungering and thirsting to gain the Highest
Freedom and who voiced forth their deepest aspirations in the
loudest possible tone. He came to release man from the thraldom of
vice and correct his vision so that he could walk along the
ever-illumined path to perfection. Sri Krishna is the articulation
of the pure longings that are buried in the hearts of people. Sri
Krishna is not merely a historical man who came and went, like
others, but the Eternal Purusha who dwells even now and shall live
in the everlasting future, in the core of all manifestation. It is
the Symbol of the Absolute descended into relativity that we call
Krishna, the ever-beloved protector of all that breathe and air."
"So Sri Krishna is called an Avatara, a descent of God in the world,
of the Whole in the parts, of the Absolute in the relative. An
Avatara is different from a Rishi or a Jivanmukta who represents an
ascent of man to God, whereas the Avatara is a descent of God to
man, consciously and deliberately. Sri Krishna lived the universal
life, laughed a universal laughter, and walked on earth as the
moving Spirit of the universe. To worship Him is to be in the
Presence of God; to know Him is to realise the Self."- Swami Sivananda
<< Read more>>
Early Morning Meditation Talks from " Ponder These Truths " by Sri
Swami Chidananda
Powerful Transforming Factors
"Radiant Divinities! Beloved sadhaks and seekers! Today let us
consider four valuable means of making your life sublime, four
valuable factors that will keep your life moving towards the grand
divine destiny, to fulfill which you have been endowed with this
human status. For the power to feel, think, reason, understand,
expand in knowledge and grow in wisdom is verily the uniqueness of
this privileged status of yours as a human being on earth. These
factors will enrich your human status, adorn your spiritual life,
enrich your sadhana and abhyasa, and augment your movement towards
your grand divine destiny of atma-jnana, transcendental experience,
".......These four powerful forces, powerful transforming factors,
can enhance your spiritual life, make it fully God-oriented, give it
a push in the right direction, take you towards the Goal Supreme—the
power of the Name which immediately links you up with the Unmanifest,
the transcendental Reality; constant remembrance of God in the mind;
bhav, the right feeling, sublime spiritual feeling in your heart;
and fourth, the right vision, which beholds the Reality everywhere,
so that you live, move and have your being in God." << More>> -
Swami Chidananda
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Learning of "Jeevan Yog" from a Yoga Acharya Swami Adhyatmananda
Through TV episodes of
"Jeevan Yoga" Series by Doordarshan Girnar
those having High Blood Pressure practice Asanas?
Yes, they can practice Asanas; in fact they must surely practice
them. All the Asanas excepting Shirsasana can be practiced.
All the Asanas can be performed without any fear. But the special
Asanas and Pranayama that can offer benefits are: Shashankasana,
Shavasana and Pranayama carried out with ease - Swami Adhyatmananda
Read More>> /
Jeevan Yoga Series
Highlighting the News and upcoming events
Gurupurnima Sadhana Saptah (July 16, 2019 -
July 24, 2019): It indeed was a spiritual feast for the Devotees at
the Ashram to celebrate GuruPurnima in the satsang with Mahatmas. Nine
days of Sadhana Saptah commenced on Gurupurnima day (July 16, 2019) with
a grand Paduka Pujan of Holy Master Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj &
GuruMaharaj Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj.........Each day began with
prayers at 6 am and morning satsang included group chanting of Vishun
Sahshranama, Bhagawad Gita and spiritual sharing. In the afternoon,
chanting of Durga Saptasati and evening satsang included spiritual
discourses & sharing the thoughts on glories of Guru by different
speakers namely H. H. Sri Swami Adhyatmanandaji Maharaj, Sri Bhagyesh
Jha, Dr. Amish Kshtriya, Sri Swami Brahmnisthanandjimaharaj from Divya
Jivan Sangh (Jagganathpuri), Swamini Vidya Prakashananda Mataji, H. H.
Sri Swami Asangananadaji Maharaj, H. H. Sri Swami Nikhileshwaranandaji
Maharaj, H. H. Sri Swami Parmatmanandaji Maharaj.....Culmination was on
56th Aradhana day (July 24, 2019), Mahasamadhi day of worshipful
Gurubhagawan Sri Swami SivanandaJi Maharaj. A large number of devotees
participated in a grand Paduka Pujya & Guru worship which was followed
by Bhajan and discourse by Pujya Sri Swami Brahmanishthanandaji Maharaj
(Puri) and Smt. Rupa Majmudar, an ardent devotee of Gurudev concluded
with Narayan
Seva (poor feeding) and serving Maha prasad to all during mid-day.
<< read more>>
Join with us in holy
shravan Month & Janmashtami Utsav (August 24, 2019)
News & Activity Report for the Month of
July 2019
News Through Event
Amrut Mahotsav Celebrations at the Ashram - Photos
Divya Jivan /August 2019
Q & A on Spiritual Life and Sadhana from “May I Answer That?”- by Holy
Master Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj.
The Gita touches on many subjects which are useful to an aspirant after
God-Knowledge, but strangely enough, omits to mention anything about the
purpose behind creation. Why did God embark on creation at all?
The Lord’s silence, in the Gita, about the purpose of creation, is truly
a demonstration of His divine wisdom. This very same problem arises in
various minds in various forms. How did Avidya arise in Brahman? When
did Karma begin? Why did the Formless assume forms? How could darkness
or Maya exist in the Supreme Absolute Light? And so on. There can be no
answer to these questions. It involves the understanding of the Ultimate
Principle, the Intelligence that is behind and beyond these questions,
the Cause of all causes, the Subject of all objects. It cannot be known
as an object. And, when the subject (Self or Atman) knows Itself, speech
and thought cease. The questioner and question vanish in the quest. The
doubt disappears in the doubter. In that Supreme Silence, the problem is
inexpressibly solved! The riddle is solved; but speech is baffled and
the question remains unanswerable.
Therefore, the Lord is silent about the transcendental question in the
Gita; but, such is the divine wisdom of the Almighty that He gives ways
and means of solving the problem.
Don’t bother about why creation came into being, but try to know the
Creator! Take creation for what it is and try to transcend it. This is
wisdom. Trying to probe intellectually into the mystery is only buying
psychological distress.
There is no ‘Why?’ in respect of transcendental matters. ‘Why?’ is only
for worldly things. Reason is finite and frail. God only knows the
‘Why?’ Realize the Self. Then you will get the answer. Then you will
know the origin and nature of Maya and everything.
"Ammar Krishna Gopal Re"
(Video Clip)
Join us in Janmashtami Utsav (August
24, 2019)
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