September 2010
Divya Jivan NewsletterSeptember 2010 |
What Gurudev is for US? ![]() With this sharing, let us offer our worshipful adorations at the feet of Guru Bhagavan and offer our loving homage to that Being Whom he represented, Whose ancient call, which was sounded in the Gita jnana upadesa, he once again revived and gave voice to in this twentieth century: “Come, come, become a Yogi, attain Self-realisation, God-realisation, in this very life.” That is Gurudev for us. That is what he shall ever be for those
who have sincerely tried to ponder and tried to find out what we are
to him, in what way we are related to him and what he has been to
us." ... - Swami Chidananda
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Pranava Swaroopi, Embodiment of wisdom, Devata of Muladhara Chakra! O Lord Vinayaka, The bestower of happiness Who has Modaka in hand! O Elephant-headed Lord! Salutations unto Thee. Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha." Lord Ganesha is an embodiment of wisdom and bliss. He is the Lord of Brahmacharins. He is the foremost among Brahmacharins or celibates. He is the Lord who removes all obstacles on the path of the spiritual aspirant, and bestows upon him worldly as well as spiritual success. Hence He is called Vigna Vinayaka. His Bija Akshara (root syllable) is Gung, pronounced to rhyme with the English word "sung". He is the Lord of harmony and peace. - Swami Sivananda..... <<More>>
The Conscious and Inert - Swami Chidananda << More>>
Sheetali and Shidhkari Pranayam Sit in Padmasana or Cross legged position in which the body can
be relaxed and spine is erect. Then start inhaling through mouth by
rolling the tongue, make sure that the air passing in is cooled via
tongue. Initially 4 seconds inhale through mouth while rolling the
tongue and exhale for 6 seconds through both nostrils, this can be
practiced for about 5 minutes. With practice one can increase the
counts to 4:8, or 5:10 or 6:12 seconds.
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For Worship services at Lord Vishvanath Temple during Shravan Month - Please contact Ashram Join us in abspecial satsang on Sept 8, 2010, Holy Master Sri
Swami Sivannadaji Maharaj's Birthday Annivearsary and concluding of
Shiv Puran Katha ( during Shravan Month) by Pujya Sri Swami
Adhyatmanandaji Mahahraj. Upcoming YTTC ( Dec 11, 2010 - Dec 30, 2010 ) Enhance your skill in Yoga, be a teacher and spread the knowledge
to others. You can accomplish all that by joining YTTC at Sivananda
Ashram, Ahmedabad. It is organized under the guidance & leadership
of Pujya Sri Swami Adhyartmanandaji, who has conducted over 650
Yoga camps in the East & the West. Ashram's holy atmosphere is ideal
for enhancing your spiritual growth as well as the skill in the
field of science of Yoga. For more details, contact / # 079- 26861234
"Divya Darshan" of Most Worshipful and Revered Sri Swami Chidanandji Maharaj at "Sri Chidananda Dhyan Mandir" is our unrelenting source of inspiration at Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad. Ever since Sri Gurumaharaj inaugurated "Sri Ashtalaxmi Bhavan" and "Sri Chidananda Dhyan Mandir" in 2001, His Spiritual Presence is guiding, protecting and enlightening countless devotees here at the Ashram. " Use the sacred power of speech or Vani to use noble words, words giving respect to other, words pleasing to others. You must make use of your Vani so that out of it comes happiness to others, a sense of dignity, not a sense of being degraded or made to feel uncomfortable." " You should not misuse your speech to harm anyone, to insult anyone, to speak with disrespect, for then you are making perverted wrong use of God, power that is God. Have purity of sight. Do not use your sight to express ill-will, hatred, anger, for then you are misusing this faculty of God. Hear what will be beneficial to you, that which is pure. As Gandhiji said, " Close your ears"; otherwise you are putting a divine faculty to an undivine, unspiritual use. Let your hands and feet move only in a divine and spiritual way; otherwise you are misusing God's presence and power in the form of this faculty." - Swami Chidananda ![]()
Latest Additions.........
Sivananda Yoga (Yoga DVD) Diwali Prasad booklet - "Kanakdhara Stotram" ( Sanskrit/ Gujarati/ English) Divya Jivan (Gujarati)/ "Amrut Putra" (Gujarati) Atam Mahek (Gujarati) / Fragrance ( English) - Swami Adhyatmananda |
Yoga, A Way of Life - Sri Swami Adhyatmananda
"Yoga and Health" - a complete book with Question & Answer section by Sri Swami Adhyatmananda
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