Newsletter March 2013

Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad 

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Divya Jivan Newsletter
Sivananda Ashram , Ahmedabad
March 2013

OM Namo Bhagawate  Sivanandaya !
Om Namo Bhagawate  Chidanandaya !
Om Namo Narayanaya!
Shiva Worship on auspicious Shivaratri Utsav ( March 10, 2013 )

"Lord Shiva is considered to be the Form of Light (which the Shiva Lingam represents). He is burning with the fire of austerity. He is therefore best propitiated with cool bathing. While bathing the Lingam the devotee prays: “O Lord! I will bathe Thee with water, milk, etc. Do Thou kindly bathe me with the milk of wisdom. Do Thou kindly wash me of all my sins, so that the fire of worldliness which is scorching me may be put out once for all, so that I may be one with Thee—the One alone without a second.”
"Offer this inner worship to Lord Shiva daily: “I worship the jewel of my Self, the Shiva residing in the Lotus of my heart. I bathe Him with the water of my pure mind brought from the river of faith and devotion. I worship Him with the fragrant flowers of Samadhi—all this so that I may not be born again in this world.” - Swami Sivananda << More>>

Sri Rudram -(sanskrit text in full with Gujarati translation)
Sri Rudram chant is an ancient Vedic hymn in praise of Lord Shiva, and is the oldest prayer with a listing of various names of Lord  Shiva. Through the chanting of  Sri Rudram, Lord  Shiva’s various attributes and aspects are invoked and worshipped. Chanting the Rudram is considered to be of great benefit. Sri Rudram comprising of  Namakam and Chamakam. It is also known as Rudraprasna. It is part of the Yajur Veda and one of the greatest of the Vedic hymns for all round benefits of mankind and is known to remove all difficulties.

Shivdarshan ( video Clips)
Join us in Shivaratri festival at the ashram

Early Meditation Talk from "Ponder These Truths by Sri Swami Chidananda

"Steadfastness In Spiritual Practice" 
"Whether you are a Vedantin, whether you are a bhakta, whether you are a raja yogin, whether you are a karma yogin, whatever path you are following, whatever sadhana you are doing, whatever abhyasa you are engaged in, you must be firmly centred in it, and you must refuse to be drawn out of it by any temptation, attraction, any outer force or factor."

"The pilgrims who are passing by on the way to Nilakanth are not concerned with Haridwar or Rishikesh or Sivananda Ashram. They have come from villages hundreds of miles around in order to reach Nilakanth. They are only intent upon Nilakanth, reaching Nilakanth, carrying water for Lord Mahadev."

"Even so, be rooted in the Self. Be firmly established in your ideal. Be firmly established in your quest. Be firmly established in your abhyasa. Be firmly established in your resolve. Do not budge from it. Do not allow anything to draw you away from the central quest." - Swami Chidananda << More>>

Yoga Learning from a book "Yoga, A way of life" by Sri Swami Adhyatmananda
Primary & Main Yogasana (Yoga Postures)
The Physical techniques of Yoga are the stepping stones to meditation. According to Patanjali, Yoga is the cessation of the modifications of the mind.
In the beginning the primary prerequisite to peace of mind is posture. Yogasana practiced to gain steady posture, health and lightness in the body. All Yoga postures are intended to directly or indirectly quiet the mind. The majority of Asana have been devised to build up different parts of the body and to develop the strength required by the more advanced  Physical disciplines. The purpose of the yogasana is to recondition the system, both mind and body, and to develop the nervous and glandular systems. The different Yoga postures have been devised to bring a rich supply of blood to the brain and to the various parts of the spinal column. The yogasana work by stretching, bending and twisting the spinal column in different directions to promote the health of the nerves. When the body is purified, Prana (vital energy) can be conserved and the individual becomes healthy and conscious. << More>>

Highlighting the events

29th  YTTC ( Dec  11, 2012 - Dec 30, 2012 )  at "SIVA" (Sivananda International Vedanta & Yoga Academy) Yoga Teachers Training Course (YTCC) at Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad is organized under the guidance and leadership of Yogacharya Pujya Sri Swami Adhyatmanandaji has conducted over 680 Yogasana Camps over the globe. Our comprehensive Yoga Teachers Training Course provide a strong foundation for personal and spiritual development.
 YTTC offers a wonderful opportunity to experience the benefits of Yoga practices, including Hatha Yoga, yogic breathing, deep relaxation, meditation, yogic diet, all these in a beautiful and holy ashram environment. It is design to further develop yoga student's skill in the science of Yoga and prepare them to teach yoga to others. During your stay, you will absorb yourself in the Yogic lifestyle and transform your body, mind and spirit.You will receive diploma certificate recognized by Gujarat University For details, contact / # 079- 26861234 Registration Form

News & Activity Report for the month of February 2013
Divya Jivan/ February 2013


Arjuna said:

Those devotees who, ever steadfast, thus worship Thee and those also who worship the Imperishable and the Unmanifested—which of them are better versed in Yoga? ( 12:1)

The Blessed Lord said:

Those who, fixing their minds on Me, worship Me, ever steadfast and endowed with supreme faith, these are the best in Yoga in My opinion.(12:2)

Those who worship the imperishable, the indefinable, the unmanifested, the omnipresent, the unthinkable, the eternal and the immovable,(12:3)

Having restrained all the senses, even-minded everywhere, intent on the welfare of all beings—verily they also come unto Me.(12:4)

Greater is their trouble whose minds are set on the Unmanifested; for the goal—the Unmanifested—is very difficult for the embodied to reach.(12:5)

But to those who worship Me, renouncing all actions in Me, regarding Me as the supreme goal, meditating on Me with single-minded Yoga,(12:6)

To those whose minds are set on Me, O Arjuna, verily I become ere long the saviour out of the ocean of the mortal Samsara!(12:7)

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Latest Additions.........

Sivananda Yoga (Yoga DVD)

Diwali Prasad booklet - "Kanakdhara Stotram" ( Sanskrit/ Gujarati/ English)

Divya Jivan (Gujarati)/ "Amrut Putra" (Gujarati)

Atam Mahek (Gujarati) / Fragrance ( English) - Swami Adhyatmananda

Yoga, A Way of Life - Sri Swami Adhyatmananda


"Yoga and Health" - a complete book with Question & Answer section by Sri Swami Adhyatmananda  


 Books on Yoga by  Swami Adhyatmananda

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