Divya Jivan Newsletter
Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad
August 2017
OM Namo Bhagawate Sivanandaya!
OM Namo Bhagawate Chidanandaya!
OM Namo Narayanaya!
Lord Sri Krishna - Divine Incarnation, Purna Avatara
On auspicious Janmashtami ( Aug 14, 2017)
Sri Krishna is the immortal manifestation of God in all His splendor,
that man was ever given the fortune to behold. Man! Blessed thou art,
that hast visualised with thy fleshly eyes the mighty Dignity of the
Supreme Sovereign of the Universe! Thou art purified; thy birthright is
to realise Him; thy fortune is a part of His Greatness! Sri Krishna may
be called the "Collective Man", who represented all beings hungering and
thirsting to gain the Highest Freedom and who voiced forth their deepest
aspirations in the loudest possible tone. He came to release man from
the thraldom of vice and correct his vision so that he could walk along
the ever-illumined path to perfection. Sri Krishna is the articulation
of the pure longings that are buried in the hearts of people. Sri
Krishna is not merely a historical man who came and went, like others,
but the Eternal Purusha who dwells even now and shall live in the
everlasting future, in the core of all manifestation. It is the Symbol
of the Absolute descended into relativity that we call Krishna, the
ever-beloved protector of all that breathe and air."
"So Sri Krishna is called an Avatara, a descent of God in the world, of
the Whole in the parts, of the Absolute in the relative. An Avatara is
different from a Rishi or a Jivanmukta who represents an ascent of man
to God, whereas the Avatara is a descent of God to man, consciously and
deliberately. Sri Krishna lived the universal life, laughed a universal
laughter, and walked on earth as the moving Spirit of the universe. To
worship Him is to be in the Presence of God; to know Him is to realise
the Self."- Swami Sivananda << Read More>>
Lord Ganesh - "Embodiment of Wisdom" on auspicious ( Ganesh Chaturthi
Aug 25, 2017)
"Remover of all obstacles,
Pranava Swaroopi,
Embodiment of wisdom,
Devata of Muladhara Chakra!
O Lord Vinayaka,
The bestower of happiness
Who has Modaka in hand!
O Elephant-headed Lord!
Salutations unto Thee.
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha."
Lord Ganesha is an embodiment of wisdom and bliss. He is the Lord of
Brahmacharins. He is the foremost among Brahmacharins or celibates. He
is the Lord who removes all obstacles on the path of the spiritual
aspirant, and bestows upon him worldly as well as spiritual success.
Hence He is called Vigna Vinayaka. His Bija Akshara (root syllable) is
Gung, pronounced to rhyme with the English word "sung". He is the Lord
of harmony and peace. - Swami Sivananda <<
Read More>>
Early Morning Meditation Talk from " Ponder These truths" by Swami
"Be Content in Whatever Way God Keeps You"
“O man, in whatever state the Lord has placed you, so far as your outer,
earthly, secular life is concerned, be content. Be where God has placed
you, and be full of inner serenity, be full of inner joy. Never mind
what your mind may say. Never mind what people may say. For you know
that all comes due to the supreme will of the Almighty, the Universal
Being; everything is in His hands. He brings about all things. Knowing
this be at rest, be serene, be peaceful.
“In all conditions, at all times, amidst all experiences, events and
occurrences, in all tests, trials and tribulations, be serene; rejoice
in the Lord, knowing that you are safe in His hands. For He, the
infinite goodness, infinite love, infinite compassion, infinite justice,
infinite wisdom, can never do to you anything that is wrong, harmful or
inimical to your highest welfare.
“Thus, having firm faith, firm knowledge, being set and convinced, and
thus being established in this conviction, be serene in whatever way He
has placed you. Be pleased to be there and rejoice. Chant: ‘Sita Ram,
Sita Ram, Sita Ram.’ - Swami Chidananda
<< Read More>>
Learning of "Jeevan Yog" from a Yoga Acharya Swami Adhyatmananda
Through TV episodes of " Jeevan
Yoga" series by Doordarshan Girnar
those having High Blood Pressure practice Asanas?
"Yes, they can practice Asanas; in fact they must surely practice them.
All the Asanas excepting Shirsasana can be practiced. All the Asanas can
be performed without any fear. But the special Asanas and Pranayama that
can offer benefits are: Shashankasana, Shavasana and Pranayama carried
out with ease.
<< Read More>>
<< Jeevan
Yoga Episode 7>>
39 th YTTC (Dec 11, 2017 - Dec
30, 2017) : YTTC at Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad is organized under
the guidance & leadership of H. H. Sri Swami Adhyartmanandaji Maharaj,
who has conducted over 770 Yoga camps in the East & the West. Ashram's
holy atmosphere is ideal for enhancing your spiritual growth as well as
the skill in the science of Yoga. Contact the ashram for further details
- sivananda_ashram@yahoo.com / Registration form. On completion of three
weeks residential YTTC and successfully passing the test including
theory and practical, the graduate will receive a diploma certificate
recognized by Gujarat University.
Registration Form
Highlighting the news and upcoming events
Adhyatma Tour 2017 of H.H. Swami Adhyatmanandaji (June 27, 2017 - August
31, 2017) to USA, Canada & UK
Adhyatma Tour 2017 to USA, Canada & UK (June 27, 2017 - Aug 30, 2017) of
Pujya Swami Adhyatmanandaji Maharaj commenced from Chicago on June 27,
2017. It took him to Toronto, Charlotte, Tampa, Atlanta, Houston,
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Toledo (OH), Troy (MI), San Jose area,
Madison, Milwaukee & Chicago to continue to UK and HE will be back to
the Ashram on Sept 1, 2017. It is all the grace & blessings of Holy
Master Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj & Guru Maharaj Sri Swami
Chidanandaji Maharaj.
Pujya Swamiji's divine satsang and yoga teaching have brought joy, peace
& bliss to countless spiritual aspirants and yoga enthusiasts in the
West. HE received warm welcome everywhere He went. Here, we share with
you the sentiments of love and deepest gratitude expressed by our core
organizers group in so many different words. It is overwhelming.
"Our time with Swamiji during his visit this year was full of blessings,
so many it is impossible to count. Everyone at Kula Kamala Yoga Ashram
were overjoyed by their time with Swamiji and hold His powerful words
and His Presence in their heart. Hari OM" - Sharon Alitt. (Reading, PA)
"Sri Swamiji’s discourses are filled with many useful tips and enjoyed
the way he presented his discourses with anecdotes. It’s a wonderful
experience and listeners are fortunate to get this opportunity." -Sri
Ravi Ponangi (Atlanta)
"We are fortunate and grateful to have Swamiji in our midst to
"recharge" our mind/body/spirit and look forward to his next visit." -
Rajesh Laugani (Toledo, OH)
"Pujya Swamiji's visit to Charlotte was very short for one day, but his
presence in our community is always a long lasting memory. "Chilli", our
Kitten sat quietly near Swamiji & had enjoyed the satsang! - Sri Bhabani
Sarkar (Charlotte, NC)"
A devotee shared a special gift that she received from
Pujya Swamiji, a poem composition,
"Garland of Mogara (Jasmine) flowers" in response to her
flowers offering.
<< Read
complete report> >
News & Activity Report for the
Month of July 2017
Divya Jivan - "Divya Jivan" is a
monthly spiritual Journal in Gujarati language from the Sivananda
Ashram, Ahmedabad, that has been published regularly over the past fifty
years and running. Apart from bringing out various articles of great
spiritual imports from various saints of the present and past regardless
of their affiliations to organizations, it has also served well to
communicate with devotees all over. We request all the Gujarati speaking
spiritual aspirants to subscribe to this magazine.
August -
September 2017 is a combined & special issue containing Life &
Teachings of Saints, Sages & Mahatmas.

"I am the Self, O Gudakesha, seated in the hearts of all beings! I am
the beginning, the middle and also the end of all beings." (10:20)

"And, I am seated in the hearts of all; from Me are memory, knowledge,
as well as their absence. I am verily that which has to be known by all
the Vedas; I am indeed the author of the Vedanta, and the knower of the
Vedas am I." (15:15)

"Having become the fire Vaisvanara, I abide in the body of living beings
and, associated with the Prana and Apana, digest the fourfold food"

"Abandoning all duties, take refuge in Me alone; I will liberate
thee from all sins; grieve not." (18:66)
Wherever there is Krishna, the Lord of Yoga, wherever there is
Arjuna, the archer, there are prosperity, happiness, victory and firm
policy; such is my conviction.(18:78)
Sri Krishnarpanmastu!
