Divya Jivan Newsletter
Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad
November 2018
OM Namo Bhagawate Sivanandaya!
OM Namo Bhagawate Chidanandaya!
OM Namo Narayanaya!
Deepavali, A Festival of Joy, Light and Illumination! ( Nov 5, 2018 -
Nov 7, 2018)
the real Deepavali by living in Brahman, and enjoy the eternal bliss of
the soul. He who Himself sees all but whom no one beholds, who illumines
the intellect, the sun, the moon and the stars and the whole universe
but whom they cannot illumine, He indeed is Brahman, He is the inner
The Sun does not shine there, nor do the moon and the stars, nor do
lightnings shine and much less fire. All the lights of the world cannot
be compared even to a ray of the inner light of the Self. Merge yourself
in this light of lights and enjoy the supreme Deepavali ".
"May you all attain full inner illumination! May the supreme light of
lights enlighten your understanding! May you all attain the
inexhaustible spiritual wealth of the Self! May you all prosper
gloriously on the material as well as spiritual planes!" - Swami
Sivananda <<
Laxmi Pujan / Sri Yantra (
Video Clip)
Early Morning Meditation Talks from " Ponder These Truths " by Sri
Swami Chidananda
Yourself with God"
" You must keep in contact with the source of your being, be ever
linked and connected with the origin from which you are. Then, day by
day, your spirit will begin to unfold. It will grow, develop, progress,
expand, and you will attain divine experience. You will become divine."
"But when there is no connection, or you have alienated yourself from
It, or forgotten It, or thought of yourself as something independent,
then you are full of sorrow and anxiety, pain and suffering, misery and
fear. You are full of a sense of want. Why? Because you have unwisely
cut yourself off from the source of your being. The secret of a
progressive and fruitful life is to be inwardly ever linked with God,
linked with the Cosmic Being."
"Keep that connection either through enquiry and discrimination, or
through constant unbroken remembrance of God and devotion, or through
meditation and continuously thinking about Brahman, or through
worshipfully dedicating all activities to Him. Do it by whatever means,
but by any means do it!" - Swami Chidananda
<< Read More>>
Deepavali Greetings from Sri Swami Adhyatmananda
Radiant Immortal Divinities.
Most beloved and blessed children of the divine.
Hari OM, OM Namo Narayanaya, OM Namo Bhagavate Sivanandaya,
Loving Adorations and Greetings for Diwali and a Happy New Year.
May you all rejoice in the Lord! Sing his name divine and abide in his
divine bode. Remember you are divine.You are born for very higher
purpose of life. Do not weep or wail. Rejoice, bloom and cheer up.This
is your real nature. You are unborn, you are not to die. Which is your
body that has to come and go. Your real Swaroop is Eternity. Your
immortal self seeks that. Find that and abide only in that. It’s your
birth right.
Pray fervently, meditate regularly. Dive deep in recess of the heart.
You will find the pearls of bliss absolute. Plod on steadily, a bright
future awaits you. May your sincere efforts in the right direction on
the path of blessedness, grant you all supreme love forever. God bless
you all.
With ocean deep regards, profound love and prayers for all the best,
Thy Own Self, In the Service of Sri Gurudev,
Swami Adhyatmananda
Learning of "Jeevan Yog" from a Yoga Acharya Swami Adhyatmananda
Through TV episodes of "Jeevan Yoga" Series by Doordarshan Girnar
Primary Yogasana (Yoga Postures) - The Physical techniques of Yoga are
the stepping stones to meditation. According to Patanjali, Yoga is the
cessation of the modifications of the mind.
In the beginning the primary prerequisite to peace of mind is posture.
Yogasana practiced to gain steady posture, health and lightness in the
body. All Yoga postures are intended to directly or indirectly quiet the
mind. The majority of Asana have been devised to build up different
parts of the body and to develop the strength required by the more
advanced Physical disciplines.
The purpose of the yogasana is to recondition the system, both mind
and body, and to develop the nervous and glandular systems. The
different Yoga postures have been devised to bring a rich supply of
blood to the brain and to the various parts of the spinal column. The
yogasana work by stretching, bending and twisting the spinal column in
different directions to promote the health of the nerves. When the body
is purified, Prana (vital energy) can be conserved and the individual
becomes healthy and conscious. << Read More>>
Highlighting the news and upcoming events
Adhyatma Tour 2018 of H.H. Sri Swami
Adhyatmanandaji ( Sept 15, 2018 - Nov 30, 2018): It is always a joy for the devotees here in the West to receive Pujya
Swamiji's satsang and blessings. In fact, summer comes and devotees in
the West start inquiring about Pujya Swamiji's visit and His satsang
programs. For the past many years, Adhyatma Tours unfolds as per the
WILL of God Gurudev. The core group of organizers works together in
harmony, love & mutual respect in the spirit of true Karma Yoga for the
benefits of many.
Here are the glimpses.......
Swamiji’s presence is especially meaningful to Sudha and Ed, as Ed
continues his healing journey. Swamiji conducted homa and rituals and
provided guidance for Ed and Sudha on their continued path of health,
service, spirituality, and life. We are all deeply grateful for
Swamiji’s teachings and His presence in our lives. We are already
looking forward to His next visit! - Sudha
Swamiji has truly attuned Happiness at our newly started Happiness yoga
Centre. Moments spent with H. H. Swamiji are most precious and
invaluable to us. - Shaishav & Sunita
It is all divine grace that we could have Swamiji at our house.
Discourse on Maha Mrityunjaya Manthra was eyes opening, especially
about "Sughandhim" and "pushtivardhnam" words. -Durga Kanuru
Adhyatma Tour 2018 of Pujya Swami Adhyatmanandaji Maharaj commenced from
Chicago on Sept 15, 2018. As always, Pujya Swamiji received a warm
welcome by Naiks. His holy presence fills their hearts with unspeakable
joy. They wait for these moments, even the Mogara flowers in their home
waited for the full bloom for Swamiji's arrival and expressed joy in its
own way with spreading sweet fragrance and making a natural Rangoli.
Adhyatma Tour is moving smoothly with Gurudev's grace & blessings. The
programs at Chicago, Lorton (VA), Kula Kamal Ashram (Reading, PA), New
Jersey, Houston, Little Rock (AR), Troy (MI) and Toledo are completed
and the tour continues .......... to the rest of the centers namely
Toronto, Minnesota, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago and to UK
before concluding on Nov 30, 2018.
Highlights of the Tour are Ganesh Chaturthi celebration at Hindu Temple
of Greater Chicago, Yoga Retreat by happiness Yoga Center, Janmasthami
Celebrations at Kula Kamala Ashram, Jana yajana at Bharat Sevashram , NJ
and more...... Pujya Swamiji's day typically starts early with morning
yoga session, home satsangs, home visits, bhiksha to honor devotees'
wishes, evening satsangs, special requests, press interviews, paying a
visit to sick ones, prayer for depressed ones and more till the late at
night most of the days. His Mission is service to humanity, service to
known and unknown. HE has been continuously spreading the message of
sages of the yore and sharing the spiritual wisdom and cultural &
scientific heritage of India through Yoga, Pranayama, and Meditation.
<< Read More>>
Adhyatma Tour 2018 photos (Video Clips)
Come join with us for Deepavali
Celebration (Nov 5, 2018 - Nov 7, 2018), Lakshmi Pujan / Sri Yantra
Pujan , Aannakoot Darshan , New year Greetings
Upcoming 42 nd Yoga Teachers
Training course ( Dec 11, 2018 - Dec 30, 2018) Yoga Teacher
Training Course at Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabada is designed to offer you
the experience of living Yoga way of Life and to present the necessary
techniques that will enable you to pass these great teachings on to
This training program includes both lectures and practical components
from respected experts in the fields of cardiology, gynecology, anatomy
, physiology , Yoga, meditation, spirituality and psychology. The
program syllabus includes detailed instructions for each posture with
their benefits. Also, in depth practice of different pranayama
(breathing exercises), meditation, relaxation (Yoga Nidra) techniques
are taught based on Patanjali Yoga philosophy. At the concluding of the
program and passing the test graduate receives certificate recognized by
Gujarat University. For more details, Contact
Sivananda_ashram@yahoo.com / # 079- 26861234
News Through Event photos
November 2018 /
Divya Jivan is a
monthly magazine in Gujarati language from the Sivananda Ashram,
Ahmedabad, that has been published regularly over the past fifty years
and running.
Q & A on Spiritual Life and Sadhana from “May I Answer That?”- by Holy
Master Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj.
Q. I am doing vigorous Tapas and meditation for the last five years.
With all that, my troubles and difficulties are multiplying. I have lost
my job. I am starving now. What shall I do? Is this the Grace of the
Lord? How can I continue my Sadhana when I have nothing to eat?
A. It is said that the Lord gives food even to the frog that lives
between the strata of rocks. Why has He failed in your case alone? This
is a great wonder! Has He failed in His duty? This cannot be. He is
all-merciful, all benevolent! Is it because He wants to develop in you
the constructive qualities— courage, presence of mind, endurance, strong
will, fortitude, more mercy and love— and make His instrument more fit
for His Divine Lila? Yes, this must be the case.
The struggling and sincere aspirant also gets more troubles and
difficulties, because he has to march quickly on the path to reach the
portals of the Kingdom of Supreme Peace and Unalloyed Bliss.
Princess Mira renounced the pomp and glory of the Palace and walked in
the burning sands of Rajputana. She starved on her way to Brindavan. She
slept on the ground. She lived on alms. The
Pandavas underwent countless sufferings even when Lord Krishna was at
their back. Draupadi was placed in a very bad plight even though she had
Bhima, Arjuna and Dharmaputra to fight for her. Our sufferings are
nothing, when compared to the persecutions underwent by the five
Pandavas, Sri Rama and Mira. Look at the sufferings of Raja Harischandra
and his wife! He had to serve in the cremation ground and do the work of
a Chandala to keep up truthfulness. It is suffering that develops the
will. It issuffering alone that moulds a man on the spiritual path. Be
not troubled. Feel Lord Siva’s grace and mercy at every step. All
difficulties will melt away like mist before the sun. Have perfect
unswerving faith in His grace.
Happy Deppavali!
Happy Laxmi Pujan !
