Meditation On "OM"
Mandukya Upnishad


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Prajna, whose sphere is deep sleep, is  'M, the third part (letter) of Om because it is both the measure and that wherein all become one. He who knows this is able to measure all and to comprehend all within himself. 

Just as a heap of rice is measured by a prastha, a kind of measure, so also Visva and Taijasa are, as it were, measured by Prajna in Pralaya (involution) and Utpatti (evolution). Visva and Taijasa sink in Prajna during sleep and emerge out of him afterward. This is compared to measuring by Prajna. When the syllable Om is chanted or repeated again and again "A" and "U" appear to merge themselves in "M" and come out of it again. Similarly, the waking and dream states appear to merge in deep sleep (Prajna) and come out of it. Visva and Taijasa also merge in Prajna during sleep. Therefore, "M," and Prajna is likened to a measure that is used in measuring rice or barley. Prajna is like a big vessel that contains two other vessels, viz., Visva and Taijasa. ln Prajna all things lose their identity, all become one. Therefore Prajna is identical with the letter "M." 

He who knows this is able to measure all. He is able to know the real nature of the world. He is able to penetrate into the real nature of the universe. He is also able to comprehend all within himself, i.e., to be the cause of all. He realizes himself as the cause of the universe, Isvara.

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